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Everything posted by bahd-ler

  1. notice 17.9 avg mpg... 700+tq at the wheels, can't beat it.
  2. just under a 100xxx, but i bought it a coughlin in pataskalla and the dealer said it had a rebuilt tranny at 90xxx... they evenhad a shop name of "their" tranny guy
  3. Been there done that... But my principle made me 1. Call insurance and see what my rates would be with a reckless accident 2. Call and get a Quote for 4 new tires (2wd... Dumbass) 3. Someting about calling the police station and getting a ticket quote There was like 5-6 things it was a whie ago, what they should be worried about is the girls, those bitches act like the lot is a autocross. Hope everything works out.
  4. I have a 2000 Ram w/ the cummins. When the truck shifts into od, its been holding out in the previous gear longer. For example no matter how fast or slow I excellerate most of the time it doesn't shift till about 2-2100 rpm. Also the past couple of days its been "hiccupping" (its seems to want to downshift but gets half way there then remains in 4) in od. Can anyone help.
  5. It was being trailored, by the truck, guess I left that out
  6. So I'm coming home from work, driving from Johnstown to Sunbury, and we pass a 2008 Black Chevy Pick-up with what I thought was a ZR1. I know it had the distictive wheels but didn't get a glance at the hood. The car was a sexy glossy midnight dark black. I tried to get Kyle to turn around real fast so I could snap some pics, but he had to shit so bad he had some tearage forming in his eyes. He got to pinch his loaf and I didn't get you guys and photos. Didn't know if this was possible your anyone knew who it might be.
  7. x2 I would trade shoes financially with alot of rich people, and wish I could have some of their money. But the bottom line is, its theirs whether they earned it, inherited it, or won it. Why should their hard work (or luck) go to me, I have nothing to do to with the hard worked ( or relatives ) they've delt with to earn it. Rich people are rich for a reason.
  8. SIK01SS is a factory freak :woowoo:
  9. Is this a surprise... anyone? Good to know my fellow employees lacking a GED will be getting more than you or I.
  10. Why take the rights away from good law abiding citizen... If a person is going to commit a crime with a firearm they'll do it illegally anyway. So what will it solve, inner city drug and gang banger crime, I think not.
  11. Agreed.... Mostly.... But I've looked at it in depth and I don't feel that its gone that far. Thanks for the wisdom
  12. Either way Palins there and probably shouldn't, but for a reason. Thats pretty shitty of parties to be fighting like high school cheerleaders.... We are more divided now than ever. Thorne I am not going to look up all the facts because it will just enrage me and I frankly don't have the time. I'm sure you already are aware of them as I am.... I wouln't say muslim is one of them either. I don't know who is the better and more knowledgable man, but I feel Obama is a snake in the grass. He might fix as many things as he screws up, the only thing is we won't know what they are till he's out of office. And by then it will be perfectly O.K. I don't like the fact that there are people in this world that make more money than I in hand outs. It shouldn't be ok for a low income (if any at all) loser to be popping out kids thinking its alright... because the hard working american will intially pay for my problems. The best way I can put it is if the teacher gave all the students C's and then showed them what you really got. Then said it wasn't fair to dumbass bobby who didnt study and got an F while you did and got an A. The would not be any more motivation for a further education. We have been the richest and most powerful country for 200 years and now we are falling to crumbles. Its the Democrates fault. This isn't up for argument or debate. I won't counter post. You are as right as I am
  13. +1 for Gore +2 for Kerry +3 for ME and Triple posting
  14. Perfectly said.... Now that I think about it i agree. I don't know who is the better party right now, but McCain is the better man, and his party hurts him.
  15. Time for effect... this isn't all President Bush's problem, this comes from the Clinton administration too. I agree with or statement but we are divided and people are dumb.... just plan ignorant. I don't know exact figures but i agree, more white people will have to vote democratic ( some 30-40% of white voters) to win. But no one needs to take an I.Q. test to vote either. Congress is left wing, but the president is right. This isn't an monarchy, We do have checks and balances. The United States Government is more than one person, and its going to take more than one person to CHANGE it. The President doesnt necessarly determine the party of the country. By no means is this the Republican party's fault. It is under the rug, because no media organization cares what the republicans want in the open or under the rug, as much as they do for the democrates (with the exception of fox news). And voters know only what we are told.... unless we are smart enough to think around and outside of the box.
  16. note to CR: I'm not racist or sexest nor am I trying to offend (its a touchy topic) If Obama wasn't black then there is no way in hell he'd be where he is today, and with out him, the GOP wouldn't be forced to fight fire with fire, and Palin would not be their vice president nominee. If Obama was anything but african american, we wouldn't socially tolerate him and the shenanigans he pulls, and Palin wouldn't even be in the picture. I know John McCain would not even be accepted by anyone if Obamas ties were on the other end of the playing field, not by the mainstream media nor you, who listens and believes that crap. Facts are falling like rain about this guy and the country keeps sweeping it under the rug....why? John McCain for President 2008
  17. Palin FTW. She has every right to be vice president as the Messiah does being President.
  18. I agree, I ride bike sometimes too, I just don't know why they pick the busiest streets. I can see if its for transpirtation, but when its recreational, get off the busy streets. Almost every damn suburb now has new, very nice bike paths.... use them. Thats for the joggers too. And why do joggers jog on the main roads, during rush hour, with no shirt on. There are plenty of side streets where my ass doesn't have to look at your old hairy spray on tan body.
  19. what are the specs on those cars, ive seen 3 in the past week, 2 indublin and 1 in gahanna.... its up there with the m6
  20. Not sure what the plates stand for, anr ideas?
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