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Everything posted by Sawbinder

  1. Whats the tag on the del sol? So far I've only recovered about 6 stolen cars, one was a rolling 45 and he tried to run but was not fast enough. Stupid 17 yr old now has two felonies pending and about 6 m 1's. I will keep an eye out for it but I need the tag.
  2. Is that the current tag CNB1601? If so I will keep an eye out for it. What is the police report number and I will look it up at work and inform all my fellow officers to keep a look out for it. Sorry to here about your car. The car was taken on 1 precinct and im on the same zone just a couple of precincts north of there.
  3. 1st you have criminal damaging, your car. 2nd you have possible aggravated assault 2 counts you and your gilfriend and they used a weapon, the pellet gun. A felony. 3rd you can still file a police report even though you should have called that night. Good luck and remember call the police thats what we are there for, to serve and protect.
  4. How do you clean the old coins with out ruining them? I was curios I have a bunch of old coins that I have collected over the years. Just got a 1940 nickel the other day not in bad shape. Thanks
  5. I just saw the news and the piece of shit that killed the deputy was caught tonight. I hope justice will be served for the deputy and his family.
  6. As an officer I mourn the loss of a fellow officer. My prayers and thoughts are with the family. They will find the person and he will pay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Sawbinder

    legal question?

    congrats man,sounded bogus any way.
  8. Try the CHEETAH 3 in Atlanta GA, full nudity, all hot girls and all the alchol you can afford. You won't be disappointed. By the way if you drink in or around the dublin area watch out for the cops. Lots of OVI arrests.
  9. Sawbinder

    legal question?

    Where and what dept. arrested you? Are you and your roommate just living together or are you boyfriend girlfriend? This makes a difference. You said she did not press charges and you were not charged and let go without no bond sounds funny to me? If she goes to court and tells them there was no violence and that it was an accident then the charges should be dropped. According to ORC 2919.25 Domestic Violence the victim must be a "Family or House hold memeber". -A spouse , a person living as a spouse, or a former spouse of the offender. -A parent or a child of the offender, or another person related by consanguinity (blood) or affinity to the offender. If no children and not boyfriend ,girlfriend,or boyfriend,boyrfriend, or girlfriend, girlfriend and not married than it would be at best assault. However if the story you told at the top of the thread is accurate and you are not leaving anything out than I don't see why you went to jail in the first place. You could file assault charges against her for shutting your hand in the door and for punching you. Thats your backup. This will definitly show up on your background check and when they ask just tell them the truth and don't lie about anything. Good luck, pm me if you have any questions about the law. I might be able to help you.
  10. I do aggree somewhat with your asessment of of the terrorists. However I donot believe that we are a defeated nation maybe wounded but definitly not defeated. Finding UBL has been a problem but when you consider that he is considered a hero to all muslims they will protect and hide him forever from us. The whole nations population is not living in fear but there are many who are still afraid that it could happen again. They should be wary because it could happen again unfortunatley we still need to be better prepared. Good post.
  11. Sawbinder


    Try TEC-NU you can get it at krogers by the pharmacy, always worked for me. Good luck.
  12. Then lets pull our troops out of every country in the world, bring them home and protect our borders. Tell the rest of the world to piss off and let the UN deal with the with them. Cut off aid to all of the foreign countries and keep the money for ourselves. Hows that sound to everybody?
  13. BAD NEIGHBOR, BAD NEIGHBOR graemlins/nutkick.gif !!!
  14. Please enlighten me on how to deal with a terrorist, because the last time I checked the only way a terrrorist knew how to deal with anybody was by terrorizing them through killing mass amounts of people. I do realize that violence begets violece, but then explain to me how to deal with or rationalize what they do to innocent people. I'm curios were you picked on as child?
  15. Thats true they can't be used on the road, but then tell that to the guys that I've seen riding them down 5th ave in columbus. We cite them and impound their bikes. Not everybody uses them responsibly.
  16. I'm sorry most of you don't agree with my assesmnet on terrorists, "KILL THEM ALL". But I've got a news flash for you all they want to kill all of us, anyone who is a non muslim. My Kerry comment was directed at the fact that Kerry wants to goto the UN for permissiion for us to use our troops every time we need to defend ourselves. I'm sorry but the UN is a piece of shit all they do is sit around with their thumb up their ass and try to tell someone to stop or face punishment, EX. Sudan.
  17. And John Kerry wants to fight a gentler kinder war on terror. No thanks my family is safer with Bush in office!!!!!!!
  18. Its a new law in Columbus, I don't know about Picktown just fyi.
  19. Bill Dozzer I'm just curios what you were charged with, you failed to mention it? Obviously it was an arrestable offense because you went to jail, and you yourself admitted that you just did stuff to your bike to make it faster and opened it to see what it would do. I fail to see where it is the police who are at fault. How about some more info on your experience.
  20. I will tell you right now there is nothing more irritating in the world then when someone gives me a bullshit story about why they were speeding. I wasn't born yesterday and Ive heard more excuses than truthes. If your straight with me I will be straight with you.
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