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Everything posted by Sawbinder

  1. You are so fucked!!!! I'll drive and put you out of your misery when I see you mow the lawn next time. LOL Congrats really im happy for you but your still fucked x 3!!!!
  2. I was inforrmed by the manager at ehr meijers on R/H that they will be at $1.98 today. They are matching the speedway across the street. Just FYI for ya all..
  3. Unfortunatly this is going to be a his word against her word kind of thing. I deal with it all the time there is no way for the officer to know who is telling the truth. The only way that management is going to know if she is a thief is if this has happened before. how ever you can have a report taken, dont know what good it will do. Thats why I like to pay at the counter and I always lay the money onthe counter in front of them. Sorry your dad got screwed, it sucks. I liked the marked bill tick sounds cool.
  4. I believe in corporal punishment and this seems like a good person to be made an example of. The bitch needs the shit kicked out of her.
  5. Oh forgot had a hot little red headed wife that wore short skirts and thongs!!
  6. Got one better than that I did all the interior trim in his house. Was there for like 6 months. Fuckin house is huge all glass exterior walls like a comercial building. Pool in the basement under his bedroom. Killer airplane hanger in his back yard with 3 planes in it. Has a shit load of cars. Jim is a cool guy..
  7. Video Game Addict Test Home/News Tests » Fight Clubs Bolds Words About *** DISCLAIMER!!! *** These tests ARE NOT SCIENTIFIC MEASUREMENTS of what kind of person you are. Love or hate labels and stereotypes, they exist. So why not make fun of them! If you don't get the joke, then that says something about your sense of humor, or the lack of one. I am 70% Video Game Addict. Video games are a big portion of your life, maybe too big of a portion. They are not a means of social interaction, despite what you might think. Go outside. Take the Video Game Addict Test @ FualiDotCom Cut & Paste this HTML code on your web-site, blog, livejournal to display your results to the world. <div style="font-family:verdana;font-size:10px;width:150px;BORDER: 1px solid;PADDING: 5px;BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffc933; TEXT-ALIGN: left"><div align="center" style="margin-bottom:5px; font-size:12px;" nowrap>I am 70% Video Game Addict. http://www.fuali.com/testimage.aspx?img=dbd07319-d9d6-4339-92d1-f9d3b1846c14.gif</div>Video games are a big portion of my life, maybe too big of a portion. They are not a means of social interaction, despite what I might think. I should just go outside.<div align="center" style="margin-top:5px;" nowrap><a style="font-size:10px;" target="_blank" href="http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=8e96c313-3139-49c8-8f49-e0bdc433137a">Take the Video Game Addict Test @ FualiDotCom</a></div></div> Why not try another test on FualiDotCom? Asshole/Bitch Test · Emo Test · Evil Genius Test · Geek Test · Goth Test · Grunge Test · Hippie Test · Idiot Test · Internet Addict Test · Metal Head Test · Metrosexual Test · Promiscuous Test · Punk Rock Test · Raver Test · Ska Test · Tortured Artist Test · Video Game Addict Test · White Trash Test
  8. Hey are those my RED and BLUE lights in your rear view mirror!!!
  9. I will keep and eye out for it, I do all my work at night!!
  10. Most of you all know Im a cop, I dont hide that fact at all.. The whole FTP thing is your choice and right to say under the US constitution. The gaurantee of free speech. How ever as was stated earlier this web site and room belong to someone who does not wish this view to be voiced. This is his house and his rules and should be followed. Everyone should show respect for the rules.. For all of you FTP assholes its your right to say and feel how you want and its my job to ticket, arrest and take your cars from you, and I do on a regular basis. Vinny hit the nail on the head, Police save lives every day. Police risk their lives every day. Police prevent mayhem. Police are underpaid, over-worked, and under appreciated. I work my ass off for the city and for the citizens of Columbus, not everyone appreciates it but I get satisfaction that at the end of the day. It gives me great pleasure to catch a drunk driver, burgler, or child molester. However catching speeders is just fun. If you dont like me I dont care.. MY 2 CENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Sawbinder


    Hey wheres the race and can I bring some of my friends? LOL
  12. I love my Tazer, still trying to find an asshole who deserves the the chance for me to test it out on though. It only hurts for about 5 seconds though. But the most intense pain Ive ever felt could not move or talk. Fucking great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. If things dont got the way you had hoped than you will have to pay court costs too.. BTW you never said who gave u the ticket?
  14. The city provides me with everything uniform, gun, gunbelt and vest. I can and have purchased a back up weapon and off duty weapon, all tax deductable..
  15. A K-9 friend would be awsome but have to wait in line behind the guys with more thatn 10 yrs on. Definately more ammo I think a nice H&K MP5 would do just nicely... But city would not go for it..
  16. I have been to some of the restaraunt meetings and the krogers. I dont take offense to FTP I cant be offended, my job does not allow me to be offended. But I can tell you this I do hold the power in my hand to decide whether you get a ticket or I take you to jail and imopound your car or I let you go with a warning. An FTP attitude towards me or any other officer will get you a ticket or jail. I show the utmost respect to anyone that I pull over and in return I expect the same respect. You disrespect me it makes me want to look that much harder at you and anyone in your car or at your car... I will not be leaving CR anytime soon as I am into cars like everyone here. For all the speeders and street racers its all up to you how you act on the roadway I have a job to do and will do what I have to do to keep the streets safe. I dont take offense its just a job that pays well. You do your thing and I do mine. Everybody gets caught sooner or later. Oh the whole getting shot thing, I have not been shot yet but been in the hospital 3 times this year for getting hurt while chasing people.. Be safe out there....
  17. Just curios was it Columbus or State Highway Patrol that gave you the ticket? Goto court and plead not guilty then they will set a court date and they will call the officer in. If he agrees with the prosecuter and they reduce the ticket to no points moving violation, you pay the fine and your gone. If you have a bad driving record than you might be in trouble. We dont have to have our lights on, we can sit in total darkness and hunt for all violaters if we want. I leave my lights on its makes it fun to watch everybody slam on their brakes when they see me. HEHE
  18. Oh bye the way the cop flipping you off if he really did was wrong and unprofessional in my opinion. I have never done that to anyone at least not in uniform!!!!
  19. Its not the FTP that will get you its me behind you when you do somehting stupid that will get you in trouble. I kind of laugh at all the people who say FTP and when your car gets broken into or stolen, who is the first people you call the police. You want them to run right over and take a report and go find your missing stuff for your sorry ass. You dont have to like us at all and most people hate us and thats life. Its a thankless job that noone wants. I like my job I enjoy what I do and nothing gives me greater pleasure than to bust some asshole who deserves it because I get the last laugh. Just my 2 cents worth!!!! tongue.gif
  20. I patrol that area and will be keeping an eye on that shop.. Those cobras will stay safe...
  21. Ah the sound of the taser is so nice. But if really wanted to get his point across he needed to mace her then tase her. Mace the gift that keeps on giving.
  22. I like it 3 hotties in almost nothing atack you!!!!!!! Nice.
  23. Thats fucked up I hope they hang the fucker!!!!!!!!!!!
  24. Goto court and throw yourself at the mercy of the court and tell that youare a student and see if they will throw out some of the charges. They just might, see them do it every day.
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