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Everything posted by Sawbinder

  1. The first memoery card is my old one and have had for 6 years all my games on it still have room its a mad catz. the new one is max memory 16 mb with one game of my kids game cars on it, practicly empty. The mini PS2 is new and the max memory card is new and should not need cleaned unless its messed up. Thanks for the help will look into it and call sony.
  2. MMMMMM.......Nice butt on that girl need more front end shots, still very nice..
  3. Damn Mike sorry to hear about the car. Im just glad to hear your alright....
  4. I was wondering if anyone has ever encountered this? My kids use the PS2 now and I got them the game cars, my old PS2 would not allow me to save it. Got new memory card still would not let save, took game back got new game still could not save, bought new PS2 the little one and it finally worked. However now my kids are playing spongebob on the new game and it saved fine at first but now it will not save at all on either memory card. I have noticed that the new PS2 runs hot is this a problem? The game plays fine but will not allow them to save. Starting to piss off my 6 yr old and 4yr old not to mention daddy who foots the bill for all the games and game systems. Some help please!! Thanks SAW
  5. What server do you usually play on?
  6. Shawn, you fuckin whiner if you want your gas can back so bad stop by and I'll give it to you.... Gas and all.... LOL
  7. Thats fucked up any way you look at it!!!
  8. Yep it's true was arrested last night for Domestic Violence and Assault. Grabbed one of his babies mama on the west side the wrong way. He was supposed to be in Pittsburgh this morning to sign multi-million dollar deal but instead is sitting in our county jail. What a moron second arrest in like 4 weeks. Keep ya all posted.
  9. Its a mob mentallity they all feed on each other, however I would have just run them over or shot four or five of them, see if they want to attack me then. It would be self defense thats for sure. Besides you would be doing society a favor.... Better to be tried by twelve then carried by six..........
  10. Our immigration laws are not enforced!!!!! I have lost count at how many illegal's I have arrested and taken to jail only to see them again in a week. I impound the car and see it a few days later diving around. Most are for no ops or OVI. I wish they would get this shit fixed soon...
  11. doin it doggystyle
  12. First off if your doing 80 mph then your breaking the law. You can argue it any way you like if your over the speed limit then your breaking the law. If your doing 80 mph and you know your doing 80 mph and you see those little red and blue lights behind you that everyone prays is not for them then slow down and pray that he is going aftersomeone else. You don't speed up. Don't tell me that there is no way that you could be 100% unaware that the cop is after you! If you are a responsible bike rider, as you should be, you have to be 150% AWARE of your surroundings because the average motorist does not look out for you. The only reason that bikers are getting a bad rap is because of the street racing and the stunting on public roads. I have many friends who have crotch rockets and harleys some goof of and get caught and the others are cool. Remember you control your destiny and if in that split second you make the choice to run from the police then you should be prepared to pay for the consequences of your actions.. Your and adult, act like one. The law is black and white in what it says, it just depends on the officer if he is willing to look at the gray area if he wants to charge you with something!!!
  13. Same law applies here to. If you run and because of you someone is hurt then it is on you. True situation, man takes friend to house to beat up an inlaw, man is pistol whipping victims, cops show up and shoot man with gun and kill him. Suspect who brought friend to help is charged with murder of his friend even though the cops are the one's who shot him. Why because he is the direct cause of the problem and he started it. You don't have to agree but thats the way it is. If they can prove that by your actions you caused harm to another its on you. People are being held accountable for their actions. Granted chasing a motorcycle in a suv is not good, however if he was trying to keep it in site till the chopper arrived then he is doing his job. Anyway you go about the officer died and for what a speeding bike, thats the sad part. However everyone that disagrees might think the other way if he was someone you knew or your family. My prayers go out to the officers family.
  14. I've used a few of those, the look on peoples faces are classic. I wish I had a camara sometimes to capture the look on peoples faces. Its awsome.
  15. I hope she feels better and all is going well for her and you.
  16. STEELERS are the team. WOOO HOOOOO!!!!!!!
  17. STEELERS WIN HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Fucking working looking for drunk drivers to arrest!!!!
  19. You sick little monkey, remind me to kick you in the nuts when I see you next. Its sad sad I never thought my neighbor would turn into sick fuck but I guess having triplets is enough to drive anyone insane!!!!
  20. Hey don't be calling cops fags you douche bag. What did they ever do to you?
  21. I was not done however I hit the wrong button. If you do get a CCW abide by the rules and dont forget to tell the officer when he pulls you over that you have a CCW when he walks up because if you dont you can be charged and lose you CCW license. The officer knows because when he runs the tag on your vehicle it will come up on his computer screen in the cruiser. I carry two weapons at all times both S&W. The main is a .45 model 4506, the backup is a chiefs special 9mm model CS9 samll yet very light and accurate. The .45 is a cannon and fun to shoot, great accuracy also. My 9mm is small and compact and people dont even knnow its there. You dont need a lot of rounds for your gun unless you figure your going to be in a shoot out. Most gun battles dont last very long because most people start to run at the first sound of a gun shot. If someone pulls a gun on you and shoots at you and you pull yours and return fire they are going to be surprised and run or duck for cover same as you. If you find your self in a shady side of town in the wee morning hours and you do get in to a gun battle then shame on you for putting yourself in that position. You get what you get then. CCW is not a bad thing because only the good and law abiding citizens have gone through the class and spent the money to get trained and take the class. Its the criminal who carries every day and does not care about society that you have to worry about. MY 2 CENTS WORTH.
  22. Unfortunatley our CCW law here in Ohio is a joke!!! They put so many restrictions on it that it is almost not worth getting. For people who have jobs that require them to carry large amounts of cash it might be a good idea. However every store and restaurant in the state put up no carring CCW signs. So every where you go carrying your weapon you would be breaking the law. There are three ways that you are allowed to carry your firearm in your car if you have a CCW and if you deviate from this you get arrested and charged with a (F5)felony. T
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