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Everything posted by neonkiller

  1. We squashed it. However that was an epic thread and epic video C6rob made. Itas high on the thread list. Tthats when you could talk shit and race anyone without fear. VW was a bike slayer then:cool: Phil that paragraph made me LOL. My car wont be done until mid to late summer however tread lightly my friend....
  2. Its gonna take more than that bike to walk this 4cyl or 8cyl car. Before you ask, yes I will. No your shit aint fast enough
  3. Sir if you could be so kind to drop my name "neonkiller"
  4. Is this roll races or 1320? Clarity please.
  5. I don't care what it is as long as its not a big ass wing.
  6. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs1391.snc4/164343_486735110597_651455597_6581936_5788297_n.jpg My STI trunk/lid for your reg trunk/lid + $250 Just drop me a Email if interested livefastdieyoungforever@gmail.com or PM
  7. The conversation is not over. You just made yourself look like "that Guy" Blame yourself look what you just said.
  8. Bump, ask him what he made off his sirius invest........ I dare you
  9. Superstang read the rules no COMMENTS !!!!!!!!! theses posts will be deleted.
  10. http://www.youtube.com/user/mustangwalker Has vids like INDACUT . Good grudge stuff. So far it took me a day to watch it all.:bangbang:
  11. Have you heard the term "there is always someone faster" I would take back that statement as Ive seem some jank ass setups in columbus take down somne heavy hitters on the street for big $ You cant compare price to how fast something is. Nor v8 to 4Cyl. If you were really about racing it doesnt mean shit what you bring to the line just be sure to win. If that was the case Id never line my VW up against anything but Id take on the world if need be without blinking an eye.
  12. Someone just dropped the HAMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now thats what Im talkin bout.
  13. Not making aNY assumptions yet but it should do fairly well at the track.
  14. Idiots. A bullet is a bullet. What you choose to do with it lays upon the operator.
  15. I dont know how I feel about this.................. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IW-gB68_nWo
  16. Heads are gonna roll mid summer. BTW Ill be lurking in the top 15 somewhere...
  17. Illo prolly get in trouble but whatev.
  18. Earon You are the shit thanks you!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!! BTW Steve Jackson is the shit, A because without a doubt he knows his shit is badass and he even loses... maybe like twice ever but thats not the point. Confidence is key, SJR has got it all baddest notch in all of USA on stock suspension. Dude never lets out.
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