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Everything posted by Tinman

  1. Roush Hardware in Westerville has some.
  2. That is sad, too bad I am unable to feel sorry for asshats.
  3. I'm not looking to race him, he was the instigator. But If he wants to run it will cost him, at least a couple of Franklins.
  4. No dialogue, probably wouldn't recognize the driver if I saw him again. Details are pretty boring, we witnessed said tool trying out his mad drifting skills in the parking lot. After commenting on his lack of good judgement we decided it was time to go home. As we rolled out of the lot he decides to follow, he pulls along side of us on Cleveland pacing us and trying to get me do do something. Not going to happen, just as Holyfield wouldn't fight a one armed midget with poor vision, I'm not going to compete with this moron. We continue up Cleveland at near or below the posted limit as he pulls ahead then in front and turns on his hazards, not sure what that was supposed to mean, maybe he was having trouble operating his vehicle and needed to pull over and read the owner's manual or ask his friends if he should be double clutching. He finally pulls into the turn lane by Siren's and gives the thumbs down as we pass him on the way to 270E.
  5. How dare you think that I would waste any time or gas racing you. If you really want your ass handed to you bring lots of cash to make it worth my while. BTW, you're little drifting stunt in the parking lot, not at all impressive.
  6. Only if we go from a 120 roll
  7. With the conditions of the roads in Michigan, I could see how a woman could mistake a body for just another Detroit pot hole.
  8. Driveline 1 off of Frank Rd. Steve does great work, no problems with mine at 170. I would avoid the mullets at Columbus joint and clutch, I twisted one of theirs.
  9. Tinman

    Saturday 17th

    Sorry for the multiple posts, my net skills suck. Yea, you were cooking. Eric got me out of the hole bad both runs but I was able to keep him from putting any more on me.
  10. Tinman

    Saturday 17th

    How about ~200lbs. of Clark?
  11. Tinman

    Saturday 17th

    Groovy I'd like to try it from around a 10mph faster roll. I was trying to keep it out of the power a little bit to keep the tires happy but you jumped way the f**k out on me. Great runs, looking foward to more.
  12. Tinman

    Saturday 17th

    Good to meet you to Larry. Was that you cooking right behind us about to go around? I need to get this bucket tuned so we can all go 3 or 4 wide
  13. Tinman

    Saturday 17th

    Sorry about that. Let me get the hot running issues worked out so I can cruise further and you will get your ride.
  14. Tinman

    Saturday 17th

    I demand a rematch
  15. Thanks Rick DJ is correct Brian. They tried to have one made by one of the company's that speacilizes in stainless equipment fabrication but could not wait the 6 weeks it would take. So they asked if we could make it, we like to take care of our customers. Just keep me laughing DJ Sent you a PM Matt
  16. It's always hard to explain just exactly what I do for my 40 hours a week in just words, so here are a few pics of one of my projects I'm working on right now. It's a 48"x24" stainless sink for Grant hospital fabricated from 4 pieces of 16 ga. 304 stainless #4 finish. It started as a 48"x96" and a 48"x120" sheet that was sheared into the 4 pieces, notched with a portaband, and formed on our 60 ton press brake. Then the pieces were tacked together, welded, and at this point only a little bit of the finishing has been done. It's a pretty lengthy process, at the time of the last picture I have just over 30 hours into it. Some of that time was used making a punch and die from scratch to recess the drain in the bottom. At this stage the first three pieces are welded together, first on the outside, then again on the inside, total of 160"s of weld. http://www.solisearch.net/ims/pic.php?u=302631HmIW&i=283675 Here is a closer shot of the inside weld, it's just a tad smaller than 1/16" wide. http://www.solisearch.net/ims/pic.php?u=302631HmIW&i=283676 Here the forth piece, "the skirt" has been added and welded. Another 120"s of weld http://www.solisearch.net/ims/pic.php?u=302631HmIW&i=283677 Here is just the start of the finishing. As you can see, when done it will be very difficult to see where there is a brake (bend) in the metal or a weld. http://www.solisearch.net/ims/pic.php?u=302631HmIW&i=283678
  17. Tinman

    Saturday 17th

    The chiquita mobile still giving you problems?
  18. Tinman

    Saturday 17th

    I'm thinking of cloning my self instead and allowing my other self to drive the black one. Unfortunately my clone will not be ready to drive for another 16 years
  19. Tinman

    Saturday 17th

    Pennies are way too heavy, better make it quarters.
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