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Everything posted by Tinman

  1. Tinman

    metal work

    What kind of time frame are you looking to get this done in?
  2. The Acura, Finally fixed the tranny issue it had for around two years, cost $0. Returned it to daily driver status. The V6 RX7, Still working on it with the little spare time I have. Only things left are the wiring, cooling system, fuel lines, and driveshaft. The V8 RX7, Got it running again. Tranny wasn't quite right, went through it twice then sent it to Tex Racing. Turned out to be a slight clearance issue with the gear set. Beat up on some folks on 270. Went to Norwalk, killed the clutch first pass. Strapped it on the dyno, had more issues than Sports Illustrated. Tearing it down for improvements.
  3. They had to have a V8 powered stunt double, the RB26 couldn't break the tires loose
  4. How about $60 for the 1" and $90 for the 2"
  5. I'll hold off on Ebay for a week or two for you guys.
  6. New in the boxes. Thought I would try here before Ebay. http://www.solisearch.net/ims/pic.php?u=302631HmIW&i=253024 The 1" retails for $92 and the 2"-3" for $130. $150 for both.
  7. You sure do have a short memory then. You saw mine just a couple of weeks ago. 338@ .500 lift and they are just getting started. 9000rpms no problem.
  8. She has a famous sister, therefore she will remain famous also. It's a shame that it works that way
  9. Took longer than I thought for this comment to appear.
  10. Someone could be having alot of fun in the snow with this right about now.
  11. I had to buy a bigger one than the one I had for my Jerico, found a nice one at Napa. Reversable and includes a wide selection of tips.
  12. Tinman

    Roll Racing is Gay.

    The car in question was built for the track, but not the straight kind. Funny thing, even though it was not built to go down the quarter, it will still spank most of the cars here in a simple drag race. I myself think your posts are worthless on CR
  13. Tinman

    Roll Racing is Gay.

    Roll racing is indeed not gay, it's just not for everyone. Kind of like pussy, not everyone likes it, we call those that don't fags.
  14. A public service message from the folks across the pond
  15. Yes, the LS* engines are great. But they have nothing on engines designed exclusively for making obscene amounts of horsepower. Even without a power adder http://www.solisearch.net/ims/pic.php?u=302631HmIW&i=248713
  16. Welcome. TampaRacing is a great site also.
  17. Just paint the rafters and everything else flat black, then install some nice lights. It'll give it a bar like atmosphere.
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