ha i went to OSU Newark for 3quarters before transferring to main. first quarter there my a couple people and myself got caught off roading. wouldnt be so bad except the owner of the land we were on held an annual weekend hunting outing for all the judges and justices in liking county. needless to say he knew the judge who would be looking over our case.
hung out in county for 10days, over 1000 in fines, 1yr probation with the promise of 30 days if i broke probation. all for trespassing and destruction of private property.:asshole:
but yea it was nicer than what i expected. cable, bunk beds, soda fountians, board games, books, butt sex, chess. ive had less amenities at summer camp. i heard that franklin co jail is no joke. i was hanging out with drunks, guys who didnt pay child support and other light misdemeanors