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Everything posted by TurboGoKart

  1. Wow that's my b day but lsx dyno day. And cr drag day is 22nd. Marion hooks ok for me is a 1.28 60 ft bad peddeling then letting off and running a 8.99 at 115 bad?
  2. Yes, exactly. Had you not made an illegal U-turn, you would not have gotten a ticket for an illegal U-turn...
  3. If you do Mark, you might want to have your pilots license.
  4. ^^Yup. Their prep is usually much better towards the end ofthe season than it is at the beginning of the season. Which is pretty much true for any track.
  5. There's really not. It's all in your imagination. :bangbang:
  6. Figured it out. Can't wait till the weather stays nice!
  7. Your car sounded really good. Cutout I assume? Just curious as to what's done to it. It was fun 'cruising.' Very cool guy. Red camaro with some black on the rear. This wasn't Casey was it? Good times!
  8. I went there in 2002. In the freaking middle of summer. Good lord it was hot/mega humid there.
  9. Was out there for a bit and just got home. Good time and great to see everyone again!
  10. Great pics! A guy I work with just got the Ultra Carry. He loves it. It was great the first few days before it broke haha. I think it was one of the springs in the rear safety. Apparently whatever it was, if they're not put in perfect, they'll come out of place easily. Thankfully, you can send it back to Kimber and they'll go over the entire gun again.
  11. Thanks again for tuning the 240sx the other day!! It runs SOO much better now! Amazing what a little fuel starvation will do haha.
  12. Still sticking to the "No Kids" part? I have a 4yr old and a 6mo. old, and have had 2 Pits so far, both of which have done fabulous with them.. It's all about establishing who the 'pack leader' is. Not only that, but letting the dog know on a constant basis that if I'm the pack leader, all my people (family) are my property and above him in the pecking order. I did this with both of my Pit bulls and I had zero issues with them. Other than them dying lol. The dogs that is.
  13. Needs less Ford and moar LSX. Just busting your balls. I love the sound of supercharged Mustangs.
  14. ^^hahahaha! Brian just tuned my car again yesterday. Great guy, and I couldn't be happier with the tune.
  15. Good to see lots of people out again! Thanks to the couple guys who offered help/wisdom on my car. Lol. Damn power steering pulley eating my belt. Wtf.
  16. ^^Yup. In the past couple days I've figured that out lol. I also went to JEGS and got that line (Teflon, PTFE, called PowerFlex I believe), and the compression fittings, which won't leak at all. Much much better than what was on there. I also realized that the FSM calls for Dextron III ATF in the power steering system, not actual power steering fluid lol.
  17. Ah cool. Thanks! I thinkni may have fixed it already but we'll see.
  18. I currently have a JEGS stainless steel braided line that is being used as a power steering send line (-AN fittings on the ends). It's leaking somewhere (not sure yet, will find out soon), but I've heard that this material is not good for a power steering send line because of the pressure in the system? So does anyone know somewhere in Columbus I can go to and have them make a good send line? Like with the teflon stuff, the TPFE or whatever it's called, and the crimped factory-looking ends. Basically, a power steering line that won't leak.
  19. Ah, what the heck. I think I'll show up for the first time. Are any cars welcome? Or just the expensive ones?
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