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Everything posted by TurboGoKart

  1. Before I scrolled down I swore it was going to be a picture of Fill with photochopped hair.
  2. What's the trigger pull weight on that? I bet that thing is crazy light. When I get the money I'd really like to get replicas of the 1911's from The Punisher.
  3. That video, in 1080p, is the most bestest video I have seen in awhile. Creativity win. Fantabulous!
  4. Lol Casey, you youngin'!! http://cache.gawkerassets.com/assets/images/8/2011/11/tron2testscreeingsdcc_io9.flv.jpg
  5. That is a sweet gun!! I'm not wanting to be a hater at all here, I would just like to see your target at 75ft. Yes yes yes, most shoot confrontations happen at 21ft. or less. But you said you're not going to carry it. My ignorance in competition shooting isn't letting me know how far they shoot from. That's definitely a good shot group though. Good fundamentals! Sorry, this is just the weapons instructor coming out in me lol. Def a good pick up! Especially for how good of a price you got it for. I bet that recoil bit definitely helps!
  6. I am in love with that chicks voice. What is her name?! (the woman in the Titanium song, not the woman in the disney song. )
  7. 3k-5k for that tattoo?? No way. Maybe half of that.
  8. Nope. Def would not have been a legal shoot. Can't shoot someone cause they yell at you. Lol.
  9. Damn! She can be on my team when those zombies come.
  10. Yeah I found the big yellow chicken. Amazed at the zoom clarity. Once you zoom in on the bridge, the clarity actually changes and enhances further.
  11. N E E D T I R E S / W H E E L S ! ! !
  12. What happened that it "was" your dream job?
  13. Haha. That's fantastic!! That was a great video! :thumbup:
  14. Nope, no question! Yeah I think we're on the same page with the exception of the placement. And in all reality like you said, it comes down to what you've been trained or continue to train to do. I'll have to play around with putting it closer to the BIS.
  15. That's because the M68 Aimpoint is a combat optic DESIGNED to be shot with both eyes open. If it were a SCOPE, then yeah, shoot it with one eye. And move it closer to the rear sight. But because it's a SIGHT, and designed to be shot with both eyes open, the (arguably) *correct* placement is flush with the rail on the upper (on a stock upper of course). - the know nothing guy who's a certified instructor by the military to teach this shit to the military My two pennies. I do see the advantage with a magnifier to move the whole unit more towards the rear sight. Aimpoint alone, flush with the end of the rail on a stock upper, which is about where he has his.
  16. RE.... http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=109568 POST...... http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=109789
  17. Tethered or untethered? Haven't upgraded yet because of this. I refuse to JB on a tethered version. Too many bugs that require restarting. Plus, the JB for5.1.1 is very stable.
  18. Rooting and jailbreaking is definitely different than unlocking. And as to the whole govt. putting their hands in this, well, hellooooo socialism!!
  19. Am I the only one who thinks they stole the rear tails straight from the 2010+ Camaro? They *semi* work on the Camaro....and that's where the buck stops.
  20. He would also say stock motor. Down a cylinder. Missing on two others. And a gaping hole in the exhaust.
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