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Everything posted by Tulo

  1. That guys sure sells alot of porn! graemlins/jerkit.gif
  2. Can anyone help me with programming a clifford 3.5? I am not thoroughly impressed with mobile electronics' customer service. graemlins/thumbsdown.gif
  3. LOL http://www.mymonte.com/forum/images/smiles/roflslam.gif
  4. Tulo


    Thanks, I think I will.
  5. Tulo


    How much does quality tint charge?
  6. Tulo


    Where's that and how much?
  7. Tulo


    Anyone know where I can get a good tint done for a decent price?
  8. Tulo

    Car Alarm

    Where would be the best place to buy/install an alarm? I was thinking best buy or mobile electronics but i really don't know. I would prefer to not get raped in the ass. Thanks.
  9. Tulo

    Check this out

    I don't get it. I hear about him and kill bill on the blitz about ever two minutes graemlins/nonono.gif
  10. That reminds me, the above is purely fictional, thought up for entertainment purposes only. That or it was a dream.
  11. The first time me and cody changed his oil, we just dug a hole and poured it in there.... graemlins/nonono.gif
  12. Tulo

    Offensive Jokes

    Now that's some good shit. graemlins/thumb.gif
  13. Tulo


    That's fucking great. http://www.mymonte.com/forum/images/smiles/roflslam.gif
  14. comic relief: http://www.mustangmods.com/data/497/haha.jpg
  15. I need a flange welded to my oil pan. Where could I go to get this done? Would JB weld be sufficiant? Thanks. -JP
  16. lol na, just curious.
  17. This might be stupid, but oh well. If you mix half a tank of 89 with half a tank of 93, will you have 91? Does it work like that?
  18. I would hate to see the board closed, it's helped me alot in meeting people and getting help with my car. But, you gotta do what you gotta do. I'm behind Anthony in whatever decision he makes.
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