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Everything posted by Tulo

  1. Tulo

    wtf is this??

    It's a panasonic CQ-HX2083U. Just get me the info whenever you get a chance. Thanks.
  2. This little silver box on the back of my cd player, I've never seen anything like this before? http://www.angelfire.com/ak5/jpv04/IMG_0003.JPG http://www.angelfire.com/ak5/jpv04/IMG_0001a.JPG
  3. the weird thing is that the day before, it was working fine. i came home from school and turned it on, and it started buzzing whenever it hit. i had pretty much never turned it all the way up, and it definately wasn't playing loud when i turned it on and it started doin this. i'll take picters of my set up and record the sound when i get home and maybe you guys can give me some idea's. thanks. -jp
  4. and i just realized that lou never log'd off his name on my comp. that was me posting as franky four fingers. way to go lou.
  5. Tulo

    squeaky sound

    your pic doesn't work, but i fixed it. it was the rocker arm bushings. i sprayed silicon on them and they're fine now. i dunno if this is the long term solution though...
  6. Tulo

    squeaky sound

    i think that's it. where can i get these "sleeves"?
  7. My front shocks/springs are incredibly squeaky. They've been like that ever since i've had the car. Whenever i go over a bump or something, they will squeak, and it is extremely annoying. When it's raining and wet out, they don't squeak. what's the deal? I have tokico shocks and ground control springs.
  8. ok, you've breathed life back into me. fortunately, i've got plenty of time to research and learn about what i'm getting myself into, i won't have that kind of money for a few months. one question: what is the difference between a turbo timer and a boost controller?
  9. yea, I think you've scared me off....
  10. can anyone tell me what wire i need to splice into? there's like eight different oxygen sensor wires. http://www.angelfire.com/ak5/jpv04/IMG_0002.JPG http://www.angelfire.com/ak5/jpv04/IMG_0001.JPG
  11. is there a way to know what wire to splice into?
  12. ok i have everything mounted and all the wires hooked up except for the violet one. it's supposed to go to the o2 sensor. do i need to get into the computer to do that or can i splice a wire from under my hood? thanks. -jp
  13. you think i could do the install myself?? i put headers on myself in about an hour and a half, if that gives you any idea how much i know about cars. how much would it cost to get installed?
  14. o. i think i'm going to go with the drag gen 3 kit that i keep seeing on ebay when i get the money. it looks like it comes with everything i'll need for $2,975. Is it a good deal? http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=33742&item=2421730428
  15. hey rl, how did that fmax kit workout??
  16. Can anyone on here install a vafc and tune it for me? Or maybe even just watch over me and make sure i don't fuck up too bad... How much would it set me back? Thanks, JP
  17. hey 98gsr-t, are you the same dak that was at that graduation party at the corbett's? i'm dan's cousin. small world.
  18. you're gettin it rl? make sure you post on here how it is. i was lookin at some graphs they had on their website comparing there's and the drag and it made alot more power. also i hear everything bolts on with fmax. i guess you have to do soldering and stuff with the drag?
  19. anybody know anything about the FMAX kit?
  20. Tulo

    gauge mounting

    ok, i concede. Where can I get a gauge pod that will replace my stock a-pillar?
  21. I want to put a VAFC and an air/fuel ratio gauge in my car. I'd like to put them on my dash, i was thinking about taking out the change compartment, cigarette lighter, and the box underneath my cd player out and putting the vafc and a gauge or two in their place. How would i go about doin this? I was thinkin about maybe using a piece of carbon fiber or somethin, but really i'm clueless. Any ideas?
  22. hi mike! i also wanna know about turbo's.....(you'll never beat me)
  23. I was just informed this should have been posted in the tech help forum, my bad, i'm new.
  24. I know cold air intakes increase gas mileage, but what about exhaust systems? also how would the mileage comare between a silenced and an unsilenced aftermarket exhaust?
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