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Everything posted by Chief8one

  1. Agreed, The original Thing will always be one the scariest sci-fi movies of all time along with Aliens. Possible :Spoiler alert: If I recall the newer Thing movie turned out to be a "Prequel" to the original? Which I thought was a nice twist at the end. I thought the new special effects ruined the feel of the original oozed.
  2. Sorry to hear the news Ben. Glad you made it out there though!
  3. Is that Sargent Slaughter riding shotgun?
  4. Spit coffee out of my mouth after reading this! lulz
  5. Kept mine, 90 v6 5 speed daytona. Turbocharged it a few years ago, now I just need time to get the rust repaired and finished one day. I like having it in my garage, but I feel like its just rotting away, but I could never get rid of it.
  6. All too familiar story, we get pt. likes this all the time at my place of work.
  7. To steal a whole motor would take some time to get a engine hoist out etc. Wow thats commitment.
  8. From what I hear the lot is going to be privately owned and Simi and the team are in dire need for help finding a new lot. So maybe we need to make a poll or suggestion place on CR to find a new lot for autox?
  9. When I was at the awards ceremony last weekend there was a concern with OVR not having sites for this next year. Has this problem been resolved?
  10. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Mitsubishi-Eclipse-Plymouth-Laser-race-car-/270888939267?pt=US_Cars_Trucks&hash=item3f123d2f03 ben is this your old car?
  11. stuck at work.. damn graveyard shift... go 2012
  12. SST always reminded me of robocop kind of with the corny comments and commercials.... "I'd buy that for a dollar"...
  13. I know it's not 25+ years old, but a DD'd a 91 ford escort Lx 5 speed with the 1.9L in high school and some of college. Never left me stranded and I ran the ever living piss out of it.
  14. I can't recall at this time, but can you swap out seats in stock classes?
  15. Dropped my wallet at the movies a month ago, got lucky and the janitor found the wallet. Only thing missing was around 12 bucks cash, good luck with everything. I reported my wallet missing to the police and the officer just chuckled and said good luck for the most part.
  16. Played dead island for close to 6 hours, I never found any guns? Got bored, gamer fail boat?? Played as the "rapper character" I don't remember his name off the top of my head.
  17. that's quite a "situation".. derp
  18. Ya I agree with Ben, mustangs and BMWs both will pull front tires on autocross courses.
  19. You wouldnt happen to still have that blue 90 daytona still would you?
  20. Bath salts are a hell of a drug...
  21. Details.. what do you mean drift/time attack? There is a drift event then a TT? Are the cars broken down into classes? I might be in for some miata fun.
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