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Everything posted by Chief8one

  1. maybe I should've posted this in the kitchen/vid section. Commentary pop ups are not working now.. at least on my computer. I'm sorry if it's a bad link.
  2. oh my.. Can we get some cliffs?
  3. See I didn't do a lot of research on this topic.. I'm new to guns so I'm trying to learn.. saw a vid about how .40s are crap.. and then retorts about penis size.. whatever.... etc.. In brief what is the beef?
  4. I'll throw a NWS due to content. OK, while on youtube I stumbled across this video. Make sure you're ready to pause to do some reading. Apparently there is a big hub bub about this guy involved named James Yeager calling him a "coward" etc. I figured I would like to see what CR thought. Might make for good conversation/debate. Hope tis not repost. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8QC-RZYauk
  5. Chief8one


    One of the dumb characters did actually, but not in the old school fashion. It was a real eye rolling moment.
  6. Chief8one


    "There's a quote out there from a couple years ago from the guy who plays Robocop saying if the movie was PG-13 it would be a huge mistake. Oops." Well that's what happened to the third one.. went PG-13. Sucko flop
  7. Chief8one


    Watching the original now.. and it blows the new one out of the water. Does Samuel L. Jackson whore himself out to every movie nowadays or is it just me? WOW I just watched the above video after posting... TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH!
  8. Chief8one


    No spoilers, but I'll just say this. IF you are a fan of the original and slight fan of the second (I pretend 3 never existed). DO NOT waste your money on this one. I knew it was going to be a "touch" different and I even braced myself for the PG-13 rating. I would not buy it for a dollar......
  9. are 9mm still hard to find? and does anyone know of anyplace in stock?
  10. what is the proper way to walk into a range. Ammo and magazines in one bag gun in its case?
  11. Well, I'm kind of bored. I got out of training way earlier than expected. What is the closest indoor range near Westerville? Also, how does it work? Pay by the hour? Do you have to buy their ammo? Proper etiquette? I know about gun safety etc. Is it like bowling and you wait for the person to your right to finish? I have never shot at a pay range. Sorry for the newb questions.
  12. we got a link for ep 2? edit found it
  13. Just throwing this out there. It's winter and some might be getting the cabin fever and want things to do. Not sure if anyone would want to get together for some shooting at a indoor range etc.? I'm new to the Columbus area/gun owner so ... I thought it might be fun? I only have 46 rounds through my 92a1 and the fun factor of shooting solo at a range seems like it would only be fun for a short time. With others could be an evening. Like I said just a thought. I am trying to learn all the different gun models/makers and it's like studying for one of my old biology exams. So much info.
  14. It was a touch on the pricey side, but I have always wanted one. I'll admit that it was an impulse buy, but I couldn't be happier. I like the size the size and weight of it actually. I had never shot a pistol until I bought this guy and I was pretty damn accurate with it.
  15. good to see that there is one person that knows what i'm talking about lol.
  16. I bought one not too long ago and absolutely love the gun. To be specific it is the new 92a1 that comes with built in rail and 3, 17 round magazines. Granted, it is the first gun I've ever owned. I always wanted a 92 from growing up with the Die hard/Lethal weapon series as a kid. I was just wondering if anyone else likes/owns one? I see a lot of glock and sig sauer love, but never any berretta. I have no issues in being schooled in firearms. It seems that the Sig Sauers go for a serious premium, even used.. enlighten me? I'll throw a cell phone pic up in a bit. if someone does mind hosting that would be great. I'm computer retarded.
  17. guess its time to go whaling.. see what I can reel in..
  18. reminds me of a storm trooper blaster. cool nonetheless
  19. I actually have Friday night off... hmm....
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