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Everything posted by Chief8one

  1. all i have to say your lucky there is not a duster running bsp with a broken panhard bar ......you might get owned....p.s. tell ray his 62 in has nothing on my 27tv
  2. who be this ed you speak of mr autox
  3. autocross the pathfinder for pax!!
  4. pfft, i got up at 5 am drove 95 miles to the track, changed my tires.
  5. pmed you dont post it on any other boards i want to come look at it and talk to you.
  6. i totally agree with this qoute, true story
  7. on a side note, I thought toys now were pricey, there is no comparrison. in the 80s you ask for a 12 buck toy wow, you better hope santa hit the lottery . Thats why I'm guessing I never had any M.A.S.K...............GATOR of the 80s is 12 bucks .............. how did parent pay for that?
  8. i never had the main character car. ............. off the top of my head i dont remember his name. but it was close to a red camaro old school.
  9. im sure its all a rip off in the end
  10. If you are for real and have the series we need to talk. i just thought about buying a vhs copy of "season" 1 and 4.
  11. M.A.S.K, The Wheeled Warriors and Thunder Cats? I don't know about everyone else, but this recent resurection has got me thinking of all my old 80s favorites. I am sure they will make the movies about theses very soon. chief
  12. i thought its the best movie i have ever seen at the theater. and i being 24 afterwards went out on a quest on the box set of the cartoons.
  13. if your going to stay in DSP i vote get some R compound.
  14. on the "whomp" i swear i was air born wish someone would of had a pic of that. i actually let off because of the first time i went over it i felt like i lost all traction.....
  15. my car still does not feel right, for some reason. its got to be the lack of 4 hoosiers. it felt better than last meet, but the car still feels off for some reason. it mainly be due to OSU s track and its many off camber turns. anywho it was fun, cheers. gray 7 GS
  16. tittle says it all, its for the local tough truck event. send pics to chief8one@aol.com the cheaper the better
  17. ah yes the lucky number seven, pre reg. earlier today my dear watson.
  18. are these dvds or vhs lmao?
  19. autocross is boring............
  20. i was paying with idea to the otherday, i want to rent a new GTO or something v8 rwd.
  21. the deal is, i only have 3 good hoosiers now, so i took my 2 best put them on the rear and the toyo ra1 s on the front. my thinking was the 225 toyos would be close to my 205 hoosiers. think i was wrong, im going to run the hoosiers up front and the toyos on the back at the next meet. i normally dont have much problem getting the rear of the car to rotate. this is why im going to switch the brands next round. bottom line, too much rear grip, not enough front. ben you were probably right, the car felt like i had street tires on the front. the last round was my fastest lap, i dunno if was related to heat or letting alot of tire pressure out, via advice from racer phil
  22. doesnt need to be fancy, my current phone is so old that i can not find a replacement through verizon and i still have some months before i can upgrade. lmk what you got thanks chief
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