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Everything posted by JuicedH22

  1. Hey this video was posted up on a local board, this doesnt happen to be you does it? I only ask because there are not many yellow rx7's.... http://www.mydeo.com/videodownload.asp?YID=120&CID=181367
  2. nope, you are thinking of the same one as me, it wasnt last week, the rumor has just been spreading, and it sounds accurate, as I didnt hear anything about the track being shut down, just that the car was smoking a lot and didnt run after...
  3. some people really suck at picking up on sarcasm...
  4. Yea, I have heard nothing but good things from IPS on here, and no offense was meant to them at all. Just a little 'drama fo yo mama' also, controlling the power of the sun is pretty cool I guess.... I control super massive black holes myself, found the cure to cancer and all the other worldy diseases last year, but the health insurance agencies paid me off to 'lose' them, I also found the solution to world peace, but it ruins my plans of world domination, so that cant get out either...
  5. Again, going out on a limb here, but I am going to guess that he, much like myself, doesnt even know anything about IPS, simply that there was an hysterical thread about your frame being cut with some retards who could only repeat that same thing over and over... Also... You can taste posts??? thats amazing! PS, where the fuck are the smilies!
  6. I think its safe to say he was adding in some sarcasm, with the sole intention of 'stirring the pot'. though I have to tell you, i have never sat on a fence, it seems like it would be uncomfortable... even proverbial fences...
  7. So I went to have my brake fluid changed at Valvoline, when I got home, found out they clearanced my frame to get the oil plug to fit! bastards, now my car is totalled, i am calling the insurance to claim it...
  8. http://nissaninfiniticlub.net/photopost/data/500/4455normal_Internet-SeriousBusiness.jpg
  9. http://esum.files.wordpress.com/2007/09/serious.jpg
  10. http://storymode.files.wordpress.com/2007/08/my_serious_business.jpg
  11. It could have been from BFE for all I know... that was just what I 'heard' and you know how that shit just spreads around... but it was def. a black TT z06...
  12. I modified the bmw with aesthetic modifications to make it fit an appearance I liked, I added suspension modifications to make it handle to what I enjoy in driving, even daily driving. I modified the rx7 with suspension and tire/wheel modifications to make it be able to carry higher speed in the corners and give more speed coming out. I modified the powertrain/drivetrain to give it more acceleration on the straights. I modified the cooling system (engine and oil) to be able to handle the abuse given on the track. I modified the braking to allow me to brake more effectively after those straights for the result of higher entry speed into a corner. I am adding a cd player w/ bluetooth to increase normal street driving comfort. yea... thats about it...
  13. The Internet.... It's SERIOUS BUSINESS
  14. rumor has it was a turbo vette from c-bus... black?
  15. soooo, how about a threesome when you get back? You like anal? In all seriousness, since jokes and sarcasm are hard to take around here, I live 100 miles away, and i have a fiance, no worries buddy That being said... ever gone to a swingers bar?
  16. Actually, that dyno alone demonstrates the effect of runner length quite well. Matches up nearly perfectly to the theoretical case. The shorter the runner, the further out peak power is, and volumetric efficiency decreases at low engine speed but is increased and drops off slower at higher speed. also, to phil, plenum size/shape effect are different from that of runner length. A larger plenum would tend to lift the curve at all rpm, and would mimic the shame shape of the curve typically.
  17. lol, yes, that is exactly what I was doing, spouting off rules
  18. Your lies will not be tolerated! besides, i never asked for pics of you and your car. Just you. Now display them, it's a rule.
  19. umm, hello.... how about not ignoring me, geeez
  20. okay... pics? and you KNOW I dont mean of the car
  21. Since no one is getting it... allow me to save this thread with some NWS What What (In the butt) the REMIX http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yMQ650GdqUo&hl=en
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