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Kurt B.

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Everything posted by Kurt B.

  1. Tried it once, lost my nerve at 165.
  2. A little late, but welcome, I've talked to you a few times on Modfords, ignore Hal he's really an ok guy.
  3. LOL, some people take their jobs a little too seriously
  4. I saw him out Fri/Sat, he tried to race me down 71, but we've all had enough of that. It sounded good though.
  5. He can wash mine too............lol........
  6. 70k+ on mine, no complaints, and I've done about every mod you can do short of a new blower/turbo, but I'm workin on that.
  7. Hey, I've got a black 01 corolla in about the same shape as that land cruiser, what would you charge to clean her up for me? Thanks,Kurt. BTW your pm box is full.
  8. He's 17 and been hangin out with most on this board since he was 10, answer your question.
  9. Cant beat that price I guess, should be nice when you get it done.
  10. Go turbo, its probably cheaper, and you can keep your stock hood.
  11. This woman is gonna get us killed, she dosent have a clue. Taken from Yahoo news. Thu Sep 11, 7:14 PM ET FORT WAINWRIGHT, Alaska - Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin left open the option Thursday of waging war with Russia if it were to invade neighboring Georgia and the former Soviet republic were a NATO ally. "We will not repeat a Cold War," Palin said in her first television interview since becoming Republican John McCain's vice presidential running mate two weeks ago. ADVERTISEMENT Palin told Charles Gibson of ABC News that she'd favor including Georgia and Ukraine, both former Soviet republics, in NATO despite opposition by Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. Asked whether the United States would have to go to war with Russia if it invaded Georgia, and the country was part of NATO, Palin said: "Perhaps so." "I mean, that is the agreement when you are a NATO ally, is if another country is attacked, you're going to be expected to be called upon and help," she said. --------------------------- Gibson also read Palin a comment she made in her former church — "Our national leaders are sending U.S. soldiers on a task that is from God" — and asked whether she thought the United States was fighting a holy war. Palin said she was recalling Abraham Lincoln's words when she made the comment and said: "I would never presume to know God's will or to speak God's words." She said she didn't know if her son Track who is headed to Iraq was on a mission from God
  12. Sonic, I'll take care of your light work, fuck this guy.
  13. Any long term mod plans? SC/Turbo?
  14. Never left............Ass..................
  15. And your first car was a what? And I guess you wern't too proud of it huh?
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