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Kurt B.

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Everything posted by Kurt B.

  1. Its 25.00 to get in, but if you check the site there is a 2 for 25 coupon link, I got mine already. Tbuterra, its on there, one in the columbus section, and a thread in the events section, I think.
  2. Copied from Buckeye Stangs Buckeye Stangs has been invited to Fords Mustang Challenge this year at Mid-Ohio. Here are the details so far. Once I know more I'll post up. Quote: Calling all Mustang enthusiasts! The new Ford Performance Group and Ford Racing would like to invite Mustang owners to participate in a Mustang car corral and other special activities planned on Saturday during the Mustang Challenge/Emco Gears Classic, June 21st at Mid-Ohio Sportscar Course. To help celebrate the event, the Ford Performance Group has arranged for the "Ford Performance Mustang Corral" for you to park in on Saturday . There is also the opportunity for you to participate in a Mustang Challenge parade lap on the Mid-Ohio race course. Plus the first 100 cars to register for inclusion in the Ford Performance Mustang Corral will receive a special Ford Racing dash plaque commemorating the event. We'd like to get as many of the Ohio Mustang owners as possible to participate. Again, the Ford Performance Mustang Corral will be open from7am to 7pm on Saturday, June 21st. Mustang owners wishing to join us at this special event are asked to visit http://www.midohio.com for additional event and ticket information. Once at the track entrance, Mustang owners will tell the track rep that they are with the Mustang Car Corral and will be directed to the dedicated Mustang display area in the track infield. There, they will have a chance to mingle, tour the pits, meet Ford Racing celebrities, and get the chance to participate in an on-track parade lap, as well as take part in all of the other activities -- including a day full of racing action. Please contact Andrew Casselberry (acasselb@gmail.com or 1-313-248-1144) of the Ford Performance Group to reserve your spot or if you have any questions. Theres a meet up 71 at the Harley Davidson shop (52 GTO's), should be fun. Check out the site for more details.
  3. In need of a 92 GMC Jimmy intake manifold. Z-code 4WD 6 cylinder. AZ/Napa didn't have it, and I need one pretty quick.
  4. Ok one more time , this bill will never pass, once big brother starts here it will never stop, in anything, I said this already. Apparently you did not read this, that would take care of half your previous paragragraph. WTF is wrong with me? I would not give a fuck if every single Pit/Rot, or any other vicious dog was taken away, its my opinion, appparently you don't like it, once again, get over it. I am not bent o\o shape, just trying to get my point across, as are you I guess. And as for disrespecting you, its the internet, get over it. I'm done w/this.
  5. Still dont see where the comments are unthought out, I think I put alot of thought into them, and like I also said earlier I would not like to se Govt. come into your homes to take away a family member, but like I also said earlier, I won't shed a tear if it happens. My opinion, dont like it? Get over it.
  6. My "comments" are my opinions, I'm entitlled to them just like you and Thorne are. I think you need to read them again. I think your "PR" over generalization is stupid, I gave a play by play of an up front bloody dog attack that could have killed a family member or two, and you call that an "unthought out" comment? Thorne and yourself are the only ones who commented on what I said (I think) so who are the people having a problem with my unthought out comments? BTW the next time you have to ride in an ambulance with blood runing o\o your fathers neck you can talk to me about "prior experience, or personal knowledge" until them STFU!
  7. Yes I have kids, and a grandkid, and if removing a dangerous breed of dog from residential areas is going to keep them safe I'm all for it. Thorne like I said before, I dont want to see Govt' come into our homes, it will start here, and then move on to something else, which is why I know this bill will never pass, but I love my family like you love you dog, I'm stating my opinion/personal experience about this issue, and you are stating yours.
  8. I wouldn't know a AMSTAFF from a American Bull, or any other dog in the family, but authorities did when they came to cart the dog off to be killed, so I can only go by what they told me , PIT BULL. Look fellas I know not all dogs are dangerous, and in general I think this bill will NEVER pass, but these dogs can be dangerous, and i just wanted to share a personal experience. the last thing i want to see is big brother coming into your homes to take away a family member, but seriously i won't shed a tear if it does happen.
  9. I'm a litttle late to the party, but I thought I needed to put my 2 cents in. Will this bill pass? Most likely not. Should it IMO, yes. The one thing missing in all of these posts is a personal point of veiw of an attack by said dog mentioned here. So I'll give you mine. 5 years ago when my daughter was 12 she and he cousin were attacked by a pit, they were 5 houses down from my house, screamed, and my father ran to their defense. Long story short, my daughter was bit in in the leg and arm, and my father ended up with 33 stitches from his ear to his throat. All this from a 5 year old, primarily house dog, who happened to get over a 6ft tall privacy fence at 6pm on a bright sunny day. This dog lived in a home with 3 teens, and was not raised wrong in any way, he got out and just snapped. The dog got out, and went clear accross the street to attack my family. This breed of dog has no place in a residential area of any kind where children are present IMO. The owners of the dog had NO required insurance of any kind on this dog, and me and my father came within a hairs breath of taking the home right out from under this family, if we had not known them for a few years we probaly would have taken more than their homeowners insurance. I understand that those of you who own the dogs love them, all i can say to you, is I hope you carry the insurance needed to own these dogs, because the conseqences could be quite large if you dont. BTW it was unbearable to see my father getting stitched up becuase of this, It was the hardest thing I've had to endoure so far in my life.
  10. There's one born every minute.
  11. FS 1 Goodyear Eagle RSA P215/50/R17 tire, almost brand new, 400 miles on it. $80.00-retails on tirerack for 164.00 new pics available
  12. I've got the one o\o my stock V6, you can have it if you want it.
  13. The Blue Cobra + Twins = Ownage of The Silver Cobra and The White C6 Enjoy that Antwon.
  14. I'd been waiting on this movie since I was a kid, and when they aired the clips I thought I would hate it, but it was pretty good. IRON MAN was way better.
  15. Enjoy it while u can Antwon.
  16. Get some details, I might go.
  17. A little late here, sorry to hear about the ride Cory, but I'm with everyone else on this, keep it and let Hal toss you in a new shortblock w/new rods and pistons, and call it a day, you will miss this car if you sell it. Also, I'll pitch in and help if you need any.
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