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Kurt B.

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Everything posted by Kurt B.

  1. Moms gettin some new 2 tone leather for her seats, I need a shop to take off the old and put on the new.
  2. Look at the size of her waist, and the the size of her ass, GOOD LORD!! (pun intended)
  3. A 2.3 SVO turbo made 300 rwhp-5.0 mag. dunno if that helps.
  4. He's a good guy, and yes, this thread is pointless
  5. Auto News & Advice advertisement Dirty Secret: Green Cars Automakers Won't Sell You New MSN Autos columnist Lawrence Ulrich explains how, in terms of hybrid vehicles, it's not justice for all. by Lawrence Ulrich Buying these environmentally friendly cars often depends on where you live. The 2008 Honda Accord is an all-new redesign of the familiar favorite, but for most consumers the ultra-green version is not available for purchase. In September 2002 Nissan and Toyota signed a basic agreement in which Toyota will supply Nissan with hybrid system components. advertisement PZEVs such as this Ford Focus are so clean that hydrocarbon emissions from grilling a single burger are equivalent to a three-hour drive in this car. On a recent run from Boston to Cape Cod, I test drove the 2008 Honda Accord, the latest version of this family favorite. The new Accord boasts an environmental first: a six-cylinder gasoline engine that's cleaner than many hybrid systems. There's only one catch: You can't actually buy this ultra-green Accord, or the four-cylinder version that also produces near-zero pollution. That is, unless you live in California, New York or six other northeast states that follow California's tougher pollution rules. Only there can you buy this Accord, or the roughly two dozen other models that meet so-called Partial Zero Emissions Vehicle standards, PZEV for short. Related Link: 2008 Honda Accord Preview Not only can't you buy one, but the government says it's currently illegal for automakers to sell these green cars outside of the special states. Under terms of the Clean Air Act—in the kind of delicious irony only our government can pull off—anyone (dealer, consumer, automaker) involved in an out-of-bounds PZEV sale could be subject to civil fines of up to $27,500. Volvo sent its dealers a memo alerting them to this fact, noting that its greenest S40 and V50 models were only for the special states. So, just how green is a PZEV machine? Well, if you just cut your lawn with a gas mower, congratulations, you just put out more pollution in one hour than these cars do in 2,000 miles of driving. Grill a single juicy burger, and you've cooked up the same hydrocarbon emissions as a three-hour drive in a Ford Focus PZEV. As the California Air Resources Board has noted, the tailpipe emissions of these cars can be cleaner than the outside air in smoggy cities. That's amazing stuff. But what's more amazing is how few people have a clue that the gas-powered, internal combustion engine could ever be this clean. Naturally, no company wants to bring too much attention to a car that most people can't buy, unless it's Ferrari. And there's the catch. PZEV models are already available from Toyota, Ford, Honda, GM, Subaru, Volvo and VW. They're scrubbed-up versions of familiar models, from the VW Jetta to the Subaru Outback. But chances are, you've never heard of them. These cars aren't the only green leaf that's being dangled over our heads. The sweet-looking, sporty-handling Nissan Altima Hybrid borrows its hybrid system from the Toyota Camry, and sipped fuel at 32 mpg during my week-long test drive here in New York. But once again, if you'd love to buy the Nissan and burn less fuel, you're out of luck—unless you live in California or the Northeast. Read more about "green" gasoline-powered vehicles It's not all the fault of the car companies. The crazy quilt of environmental regulations is forcing carmakers to design and build two versions of the same cars. And it costs real money to make a car this green. So in states where there are no regulations to force their hand,automakers don't want to have to boost their prices for the green versions—or to simply eat the extra cost and make less profit. Honda appears to be doing just that. It currently charges Californians and other green-staters about $150 extra for these solid-citizen models. But experts suggest that it costs carmakers closer to $400 a pop to install the gear. Another issue: The PZEV cars don't get any better mileage than conventional versions. Would most self-interested Americans even pay a lousy 100 bucks for cleaner air that doesn't put fuel savings back in their pocket? "With hybrids, the selling point is fuel economy, so there's a dollar amount on that," said William Walton, Honda's product planning chief for U.S. cars. "We want to give people the cleanest vehicles we can produce, but how much are people willing to pay for clean air?" Message Board: Would you pay more for clean air? Voice your opinion! Then again, so what if Honda or others lose a few million at first? Toyota clearly went into the red on every Prius it sold in the early years, but shrewdly viewed that cash as an investment to create buzz and build a loyal following. Today, Toyota dealers can barely keep the Prius in stock—and the company has surrounded itself with a green halo that's priceless. As often as automakers express envy and resentment over Toyota's image, you might think Honda would be filming TV ads, erecting billboards, shouting from rooftops that the Accord is the world's cleanest six-cylinder car. In the green game that Toyota has played like a chess master, it seems like this is a lost opportunity for Honda, Nissan and the rest to siphon off some of Toyota's goodwill. So give Honda's talented engineers credit for this clean-burning Accord. But give its marketing department a big, smoggy raspberry for keeping it a virtual secret—and keeping it off-limits to buyers in 42 states. Lawrence Ulrich lives in Brooklyn and writes about cars. His reviews and features appear regularly in The New York Times, Popular Science, Men's Vogue and Travel + Leisure Golf. In the market for a new car? MSN Autos is pleased to provide you with information and services designed to save you time, money and hassle. Click to research prices and specifications on any new car on the market or click to get a free price quote through MSN Autos' New-Car Buying Service.
  6. Having just bought my 17 yr old daughter a car (99 V6 stang) 90k on the clock, I agree w/Vander, you need to raise the bar a little.
  7. Hey Hal, thanks for pelting me w/rocks going down Roberts rd. sticky tires FTL---
  8. Brooksedge cafeteria FTW! I really miss that place.
  9. I've been at Chase for about 7 yrs, I work at 380, I know some people in the dept. your applying at. Its a cool place, they dont work you like a slave, and its a good dept. to get your foot in the door at. Good luck.
  10. Is that speaker for the door, or rear? If its for the door I'll take it.
  11. They make a roots type SC (similar to the 03 Cobra) for the v6's now. That would be a nice addition to what he's already running.
  12. I was there that year, the power was out on Fri. but came back on by Sat. This event is a blast, everyone should try to go at least once. For those who havent attended think of RT.161 from Dublin to New Albany filled up w/every kind of car made by man. If you want to see it, it will be there, with plenty of partys on the side. I plan on trying to go this year as well.
  13. Thanks Scott, I'll give you a ring sometime after 10:00
  14. OK, I cant seem to find a Noid light at any of the autopart stores, anyone got one laying around? It seems I have an injector harness problem, and I need to cover all the bases before I can get it tuned.
  15. The 27th works for me, I got Hals back also. The car should be tuned by then. Steve, Brian, come get some.
  16. Just tell her to post up, were not trying to be rude to her or anything, and as far as boyfriends are concerned, if she has one I'm sure she'll let us know, no harm done.
  17. Tell her to post up on here so we can politly embarass her.
  18. She needs to post up on here since were talking about her. OK, who knows Christina in the dark blue V6 stang?
  19. YOU MADE FIVE BUCKS???????????I think you been sucking your exhaust.... That Five is mine, and you know it, but its all good, like I said you can just add it to what your gonna owe me after we race...............
  20. Me and the boy will try to swing by, Hal you better show.
  21. I was looking dead at this girl as she came up Lyman dr. coming around the corner, I said to my son "this car going too fast for the corner" and no sooner do i get these words o\o my mouth, crash. And the stupid ass was going much faster than 45, and there was no other car on the road. I'm glad she was not hurt. Funny shit.
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