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Kurt B.

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Everything posted by Kurt B.

  1. Kurt B.

    joe pa fired

    You guys need to check out the grand jury report, its online. Page 20, victim 6. The child protection agency, and law enforcement knew what this guy was doing in 1998. It's all there in black in white. Not one more child needed to be hurt if theses people had been doing their job. It never should have got to "the showers" in 2002. More heads need to roll.
  2. Great to see all the old faces, I told Cam you all said hi. 10 years goes by fast.
  3. Kurt B.


    I wanted to give a quick update on Cameron, he is out of ICU, and being moved to regular room now. He's out of the woods. I want to thank each and every one of you for the prayers, and well wishes. Thanks again, Kurt.
  4. Kurt B.


    Thanks for all the well wishes guys. A few have asked about visiting Cam, it may be a week before anyone but family can see him, but ill keep everyone posted, thanks again. Kurt.
  5. Kurt B.


    To all those on CR who know my son Cameron, and those who may not, this morning he suffered an apparent heart attack due to an irregular heart beat. He is currently in critical condition at Grant Hospital. Any and all prayers for a fast recovery would greatly be appreciated. I havent been on CR for awhile for various reasons, and I would like to thank Anthony for allowing me back on to convey the news about Cam, we have both been around the car sceen here for a long time, and of late have had our differences as father and son sometimes do, for all those who know him say a prayer, and for those who do not i sincerley hope you get a chance to meet him someday. Kurt.
  6. Jimmy invited him. Are you saying he is not allowed to spectate?
  7. No need to swing, I just had to win some cash betting you wouldn't let Rob be anywhere near a CR track day, thanks for the cash.
  8. He just sprayed it down his "Test track" so to speak. He's nuts.. Rob figured you would bitch up on that one.
  9. Fixed, and If people only knew, the internet and Jeff's head would implode. All at the same time.
  10. If its a complete waste of time, why you even posting in here? And if Brian made it so fat, how is it the power and torque came up on the second pull? still cant argue the first pull was untouched and almost match's your graph's
  11. First off, I drove the car there. the converter and exhaust was already in place. Here's the first pull as it was. On Eric's tune (And i can say, getting on it, it even felt flat) http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y196/gearhead559/Shop%20stuff%202/100_0571.jpg The lap top was not even in the car yet, So try to say other wise. Rob made that pull While Brian was setting up his laptop. And he was not taking it easy on it either. Looks alot like this one if you ask me, just a few hp shy tho http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y196/gearhead559/Shop%20stuff%202/JimMurray-1.jpg Next pull Brian was plugged in and from everyone's under standing, just turned the maf on. http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y196/gearhead559/Shop%20stuff%202/100_0572.jpg Brain was making changes, Rob is checking all types of shit with a temp gun, pulling plugs, and even tossed a FP gauge on it at one point. Now , the facts people. This shows Brians tune, as the car left. and erics tune as the car came in the door untouched. time stamps even show 2 hours apart from the two runs. http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y196/gearhead559/Shop%20stuff%202/100_0576.jpg And it clearly shows the A/f. First pull was fat as all get out.(And if you was there, you would know it aswell, everyone's nose's was burnt)And im sure if Rob was here, He has Every bit of info and data one would need to back all this up. Im sick of seeing people jump all over Brian's work on here. And on driving the car Back Throttle response was there, it even felt like it had alot more torque down low. Driving the car, before and after. Was a Night and day difference. You can sit behind that keyboard all day and come up with what ever BS you want. The facts are right here in blue and red. Maybe the exhaust and converter helped the car make all the extra power. But looking at the first graph, clearly shows it didnt do any good without a proper tune in it.
  12. Big money. Cartels arn't the only ones who make money off the illegal drug trade, sorry to say.........
  13. Congrats! Need to sell the Cobra? I'll take it. JK, Coming out to the show Sat?
  14. Gonna be a busy weekend for car related stuff. This, LSX Dyno-day, and other things.
  15. They dont like it they can always leave and come here, we'll take em'. Always do.
  16. +1, I love the work they did for me. Great guys. no homo.......
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