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Kurt B.

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Everything posted by Kurt B.

  1. I'm also half hispanic, but I'm all for a 20ft wall on the border, manned by the Nat'l Guard. Stay in Mexico and try to make your own country better instead of bringing ours down.
  2. I'd be happy if a cop just sat behind me with his lights on to keep me from getting hit if I did have a flat, I wouldn't expect him to get out and help.
  3. And people wonder why there is a lack of respect for the law. I know not all police are like this, but It only takes one................
  4. Typical, nothing pisses me off more than when I see a car broke down on the freeway, and a cop in sight of said car more intersested in writting a ticket, than helping a broke down motorist.
  5. It was good, I'd see it again.
  6. Brian and Howard, #1 in my book. Congrats on 10 years!
  7. Yep, I had a solid for awhile now, Cam could use it but he's broke. lol.
  8. At least I'll still be able to drive mine on the street. lol.
  9. Wish I still played, I'd help you out.
  10. Crazy Russians.........dig on 270 anyone?
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