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Kurt B.

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Everything posted by Kurt B.

  1. They're a bitch either way, wait til you have to get to the starter. Thats fun too.
  2. http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m291/bond99/daughter.gif
  3. http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m291/bond99/poster61491640.jpg
  4. You were nothin but extra weight.
  5. Kurt B.


    After I wax you in mine, you'll want to keep it just to try and keep up. I've never lost a race to that car, no reason to start now.
  6. Kurt B.


    Too bad I'll never get to race you Cobra to Cobra.
  7. My grandaughters got an 05' model, we should get them together.
  8. Wow, add a supercharger, and bang, instant 400hp V6 Mustang! Who would have ever thought that would come to be.
  9. The car will be out this spring, I might run it at the track this year, still have a lot to do to it.
  10. You cant go, Daddy said so.
  11. Got a kit sitting in my trunk. Somebody made it.
  12. Sounds like fun, count me in.
  13. I still gotta take care of that little Mach 1 problem. After that we'll see.
  14. Now I'm looking at a bunch of turbo piping, and scratching my head. Its a little progress I guess.
  15. I agree Tyler, it is NOT the teachers place to teach respect, the kids should have that when they walk into school already, but when I was young and in school there was always a handfull that wanted to be hard asses, and if some can get away with doing whatever they want, sooner or later the tag along kids are doing the same thing, IF the teachers cant show the children under her/his care that THEY run the class, not the bad children. Theres nothing like knowing you can get an ass beating at school, and then get one when you go home too.
  16. +1 on that. The minute the school systems removed the teachers/admin. ability to punish the kids in their care(paddling) The kids lost all reason to respect them in most cases. With some parent bitching about how "your not gonna touch my kid" and other complaining the children think they can say/do whatever they want, and dont have to worry about the consequences. When my son was in the 8th grade I walked through his middle school and heard a couple of girls cussing up a storm loudly in the hallway with the principle in plain site, all the principle could say was to "clean up your mouths we have guests in the building" WTF?!! When I was in the 8th grade even the worst kids in my school would have thought twice about that shit. Put the disciplin back in the teachers hands and force the kids to learn respect again, even if its not their job, its something that needs to be done, if the parent dont like it, tell them to keep their bad ass kids at home. I didnt go to the best schools in the public school system, but when I was there, There was no need for cops to be there.
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