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Kurt B.

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Everything posted by Kurt B.

  1. Funny this pops up now, I've got a good friend who is has just gone through a divorce, he couldn't find a job making what he was making(got fired during divorce procedings) and cannot pay the child support order as handed down by the courts, this guy was a wonderfull father, but for some reason his BITCH of a wife got it in her head he was messing around on her w/someone at work(totally unfounded, I work w/him) I could'nt figure out how you could work 3rd shift, be at home w/the kids all day, see your wife everyday at lunchtime, and be with her all weekend, and still find time to cheat, but somehow in her mind he was. Anyway, he joined the Army last week-gonna be jumpin o\o airplanes.
  2. I would be in jail for a very long time before I paid a dime to take care of someone else's kid.
  3. 13.9 on my 99GT. Sometimes I wish I had kept that car.
  4. It takes you 5 hours to drive to Cleveland? Shit, I wanna race you, its a sure win.
  5. Dont quit your day job, you make a terrible fourtune teller.
  6. 2g's? nice price, where did you get them from?
  7. It would be a lot larger if someone hadn’t abandoned ship.
  8. Take's a chebby fan to get off topic, yeah go ahead and put that money into a shelled Vette, you may beat both stangs, but you wont be driving it to work, on a trip, or have air, totally different class for what your suggesting. Saleen = overpriced, overated, you pay alot for a body kit, blower, and a heavier car Btw the Saleen Extreme is I believe $60,000+
  9. Change another thread to Ant. vs. Linn.
  10. It seems that everyone who is fast here will just get faster, cant wait til spring, btw, I hear ya on the cash flow.
  11. Hairdryers, and big shots of spray will own you all in the spring.......... beware team COBRA!! "nuff said"
  12. I've got a 6 inch tounge, and the girls love me, so what?
  13. Come on Mosley, what could be funnier than watching a racist like Bunker get kissed on the cheek by a black Jew.(Sammy Davis Jr. for all you kids) I was never a big fan of the show either, but you have to admit, it had its moments, and as politicaly incorect as it was, it made alot of people in this country see what racism was all about
  14. MARION! = ROAD TRIP!!!!
  15. Where's all this takin place at, these Cobra guys local?
  16. Got a friend w/a 89 caprice with a 305. From the cat-back all he has is a 2.5 inch straight pipe, no mufflers. The car is not very loud when he gets on it, and he wants to change that, not knowing alot about chevy's I was wondering if there is any exhaust that is gonna make his car any louder, I told him i didn't think so, but I thought I'd ask someone who knows more than I on this subject. Thanks fellas. Kurt.
  17. Good luck, come home safe.
  18. Happy B-day Fowlhead, --wish I could do 24 again
  19. There will only be about 7000 made the first model run, so you wont see them everywhere.
  20. Anybody know who it was. Paper said he was driving a Mustang at high speed when he hit a tree.
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