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Everything posted by ttemper

  1. Dan Weaver is the baddest mother fucker from here to your moms house. When I was younger, he drove to lancaster from whitehall...and fron lancaster drove up to worthington to take me to a lan party. and he didnt ask for gas money. how cool is that?
  2. I work out at World gym. I only pay 25 a month, but that is because I worked for the county. I think the regular price is about 35. There are a few world gym's in columbus. The one in worthington is huge from what i've heard. so is the one in hilliard.
  3. 1: i can gurantee you it cost more than 2-3 grand making that an 11 second car. 2: i'm in school right now, and i dont have the time/money/desire driving an 11 second dsm. when i said "i can spend 2-3 grand on my dsm making it an 11 second car" i was speaking on relativity. anyone can pretty much do it. my point being building a 4G63 is more cost efficient, and better. how many people do you know swapping a 420A-t for a 4G63? yeah, thats what i thought. ZERO 3: i dont need to mod my car and race 420A's to know the superority of 4G63. Many people have already done it. I dont need to waste my time/money/effort to realize this. now, i'm going to go drink some beer. i'll check this later but i doubt it'll even be worth reading. as rellik said 6 bolt 4g63 > 420A
  4. what did it run, how much did it cost to make that fast? Answer, a lot more than what it would to make a 4G63 powered car run the same time. The website you posted had a car that ran 11.XX@120 something. I can make my dsm that fast for a couple grand. I can promise it would cost twice that for a 420A to run a similiar time. If you think running 11.72@122 is fast on a 420a motor. i can give you a list of 100 4g63 powered engines running the same time, which have spent far less.
  5. Thats "Ramblin freak" from muscular development. that dude is fucking crazy
  6. http://www.shepracing.com
  7. are you fucking serious? how many 420A's are in the 10's, 9's, 8's, or sevens. not that there are many in the 7's, but i hope youre kidding. Stock for stock, 4G63 has about 1000 times the potential a 420A does. I know you said "properly built 420A" but, a properly built 4G63 can handle a lot more.
  8. http://img498.imageshack.us/img498/8640/mytoys7qg.th.jpg pictured is my glock that i just bought, and my AR that i've had for a while
  9. hahahaha "Skeet skeet skeet!"
  10. guns, shooting guns, spending too much money on guns. working out.
  11. I need a rim! i bent mine pretty badly slidding into a fucking curb. i have a 94 tsi so your rim should be the same. pm me a price. i can get it asap.
  12. ttemper

    I Hate Cops

    I've been pulled over for no front plate. i got let go, and the cop seemed really cool. my windows are also really dark, i'm not sure what percent though. I also take into consideration if the cop is having a bad day, he could nail me for window tint, and no front plate.
  13. ttemper

    I Hate Cops

    nope, just like blackout said.. probable cause. if you didnt want to get a ticket for window tint, dont fucking tint your windows. simple as that. if you cant accept the fact that they're just doing there job, you're a fucking dumbass.
  14. No no, i knew what you meant. sorry for the confusion. I try not take some of the shit home with me, but it does affect me.
  15. Luckily for me, I work at a juvenile detention center, its more less jail for juveniles. Once there 90 day sentence is up, they go to Department for youth services. The sex offenders go to the prison in Circleville. Luckily for the kids where I work, they do not share bunks, and we supervise them 15 hours a day, and its usually between 8-15 kids.. so it's not that bad. DYS is a different story. I've heard some pretty messed up stories, as I'm sure you have too. I personally love the freedom to do almost whatever I want. I ask myself everyday whats worth spending time in jail/prison. ESPECIALLY when youre 12 years old. jesus christ.
  16. I work at a Juvenile prison, and there are many 16-17 year olds in there for rape. You'd be shocked at some of the shit that kids too. Working 12 hour shifts is not fun, it makes me want to strangle someone by the time I get off work.
  17. Ive been there. do not drink the water. the ocean is beautiful. i went snorkeling while there, great experience. got to hold a couple stingrays. I was on a cruise, so i was only there for about 8 hours. it was fun though. They were friendly to tourist too, and i'd say about 80% of the natives spoke english.
  18. I have an ar i wouldnt mind getting some stuff for, lol. i bought a 3-9X40 scope for it. i have yet to go varmint hunting which is why i bought it in the first place.
  19. My friend bought one at "hot topic"
  20. PM gilbert0406 on here, hes been doing it a while and im sure he can help you out.
  21. I have a prescription to hydrocodone, unfortunately, it was for my tonsillectomy, and not making sizurp.
  22. I dont think theres a bad tasting muscle milk powder. I havent worked out for about 6 months, but once I recover from my tonsillectomy, I'm going to hit it back up hardcore. I plan on using MM, and I wont mind the extra calories it packs. I've also heard that Beverly is good, but its expensive, I'll just stick with muscle milk. If you want to jump on the cytosport bandwagon, you could try Vasostat. I picked it up at the arnold last year for 10 bucks, and i noticed results. It's similiar to NO-whatever you mentioned.
  23. should gastric bypass surgery be cheaper then gum?
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