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Everything posted by ttemper

  1. those guns must have some kind of connection to cases. I know a retired ATF agent from the columbus office and he told me they melt a lot of guns they seize after convictions.
  2. A few months back my primary slave hard drive stopped showing up in "my computer".It is showing up in the device manager, however. I have a partion recover tool that allows me to view partitions on a drive, however, since it's a demo version it doesnt let me restore it. A friend of mine sent me a program that i used, which I think was the full version of the program I have. (Active partition recovery 2.1.1) The full version allowed me to restore it, but i must have deleted the program like an idiot. I'm not sure why this has happened twice. The only logical thing I can think of is when I go to plug in a Mp3 player, or a "mass storage device" VIA usb the drive letter gets changed, forcing windows to "unassign" a drive.. for lack of better terminology. I have 2 questions 1. Does anyone know where I can get the full version of this program without paying 30 bucks?(I can't get a hold of my friend because he's out of state for christmas) 2. IS there anyway to prevent this from happening again? My thought was to reformatt and a fresh install would automatically assign drive letters to all the storage devices I have. TIA
  3. 800 rounds of 223 ipod nano clothes gas cards that about sums it up
  4. My dsm is 12 years old. it's stock besides the short throw shifter. the only trouble i've had with it is the ECU. it's been reliable, considering i've put 33k miles on it in almost 2 years. FWIW its a TSI, not the GS, or Esi model
  5. ttemper


  6. Mine was 200 a month on POS TSI at the age of 20. it lowered to 145 when i turned 21...then lowered to 83 when i turned 22..i have 2 points on my license.. and no claims/tickets in almost 2 years.
  7. ttemper

    CPD tasers

    DAMNIT PICK A RANGE THAT ALLOWS 223. iirc new albany doesnt allow rifle rounds, or powder room.
  8. ttemper

    Good girl

  9. I was pulled over awhile ago for not displaying a front plate in my DSM. I was passing him going the opposite way, going atleast 10 mph over the limit. I saw him do a U-turn and thought for sure i was going to get nailed. No front plate, speeding, and tinted windows. luckily for me, i got off with a warning. I was pulled over more in a beat to hell cavalier than in the dsm. but i digress....
  10. http://img523.imageshack.us/img523/5640/2zxxxz7oi8.jpg
  11. If it's illegal, why cant the officer pull you over? quit crying. they're just doing there job. I HIGHLY doubt any officer would pull someone over without PC. That would be the dumbest thing, ever. OH, did I mention it's also illegal? I'm sure the officers that pulled you over had good reason. In the short time i've been around LE, I've never seen/heard first hand of an officer pulling someone over for no reason.
  12. Don't be a tool. little do you know, you can't pull someone over just because they're known to traffic drugs. Or for the "hell of it." a violation must occur before an officer can pull you over.
  13. In leads, a warning pops up that the person has a CCW. I'm not sure on MDT(the computers that are in the cruiser) Since they use a different data system....
  14. The TSI is the turbocharged version of the talon, not the N/A
  15. Last year, my family transported 10 bottles of hard liqour on an airplane. When we went through customs in florida they didn't say anything. The airlines didn't either. The boxes the liqour was transported in was clearly marked... Not real sure what it's like now though, this was Oct of 05
  16. hahahaha i wasnt about to pull out the adap statistics but nice touch john!
  17. Some suggestions you could make to your friend are: Not be an idiot not drink and drive. problem solved.
  18. i've been there a few times and a fight has never broken out while i was there.
  19. ttemper


    I wouldnt waste 160 bucks at GNC on that. this is coming from a guy who worked there 2 years and sold it on a daily basis. i've heard great things about BSN-Explode and Cellmass supps i've tried that i liked:(creatine wise) NXcare-anavol VPX-CEX Creatine supps that sucked balls-thermolife crE2
  20. I was being facetious toward John because he was this | | close to buying my AR. This topic could be debated for hours upon hours. I've seen threads on AR15.com that lasted 20 pages. Also, I never said swat teams or military outfits DIDNT use a 12 gauge. I know it's in use, just that I see the majority of SWAT teams employ a MP5 or AR/M4 type system. In regards to the average civilian shitting their pants in the event a home invasion occured... I would revert to my training in hopes of hitting the intended target, and that i'm shooting straighter than my enemy
  21. ok, first of all i dont have a 12 gauge, second of all, i dont want to own a 12 gauge. i dont fucking hunt deer. I have an AR and i think it's pimp shit. if you read my post, you would know i said "IN THE UNLIKELY EVEN MY HOUSE GETS BROKEN INTO I'M GOING TO USE MY AR" Which would be the only gun i have atm. RARRRRRRRRRRR drunk typing post at 5 in the morning. I don't see a lot of swat teams, or any military outfits clearing houses/rooms with 12 gauges for crying out loud. give me a break. im going to give myself a break and not type anymore since i'm drunk but whatever.
  22. So, us bickering isnt helping? but yet you had to throw in your 2 cents? that's always sweet. btw, i would like to argue that the m4 isnt better for cq. if you're using 3 round burst, and your first shot misses, you're probably not going to hit on the second or third, either. besides, no civillian can own one anyway, so your statement is erroneous!
  23. In the unlikely event my house gets broken into when i'm home, you bet your ass i'm not going to miss. point shooting isnt difficult from within 25 meters. Having a 16" barrel kind of helps, too. if swat teams in urban combat situations were worried about over penetration problems, do you think this would be there go to weapon?
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