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Everything posted by ttemper

  1. i see an older black M3 with a cage with an older guy driving it on 33 everyday driving up 33 to pickerington/canal/goveport
  2. not to hijack anyones thread, but i need some AC work done, too. My condensor core went out on my 94 Eagle Talon TSI. I put freeon in it last year(thinking it was just low, and that would fix the problem) I took it back to the shop that put freeon, they checked for leaks, and it didnt have any. they said the condesnor core went out.. they quoted me 500 bucks. i didnt have 500 bones laying around then, but i can't stand it anymore.
  3. lol, maybe... I got low balled on my glock. I needed the money, though.. and I still do.. so make an offer! haha. EDIT: I just called them, and I'm not allowed.. So it looks like i'm shit out of luck.
  4. John, question... Can I shoot 223 at powder room? I've heard some ranges in columbus don't allow it. I'd be game to shoot. I sold my glock after we finished the firearms portion of the academy, i needed some cash.
  5. no, it's used to obtain Probable cause to search your car with a warrant.
  6. I'm pretty sure most ranges dont want allow you to bring/shoot a firearm if you're under 21. If you take a friend who is 21, and he brings your gun, they probably wont care if you shoot it. I know, it's wierd. I know ohio valley is like this for a fact. I've done it before. If you ever want to shoot at OVO send me a PM and i'd go with you. Since i live 5 minutes away from the range. As for the CCW question, I'm not exactly sure. I'll ask my instructors tomorrow. (I'm in the same academy dragknee went through a few months ago)
  7. Lancaster has a decent range.. ohio valley, right on 33. i've heard powder room is really nice. i just sold my glock 22 for dirt cheap. i'm thinking about trading in my AR-15, but i dont want to get shafted on it.
  8. I'll sell you my DSM, its FWD
  9. you dipshit, get the 350Z you wanted. if you dont, i'll smack you.
  10. I've never taken CFD's civil service test, however, I have taken others. Most of them are pretty standardized. You should be able to pick up a practice book/guide to help you take and pass civil service exams. The physical exams arent really that difficult, theres just a lot of competition, that's what makes it difficult. Theres a few agility and strength tests/assessments one must pass. I went through a fire academy right after i graduated high school, which certified me as a firefighter. My training wouldnt do me any good if i applied at Columbus, since they train you the way they want. Being a fireman is awesome(keep in mind, i'm not hired anywhere as a firefighter, but i've had training) you only work 10 days a month. sometimes less with vacation and kelly days. Currently, Columbus' top out pay is $53,456. I think that's after 6-8 years. You could have another full time job if need be. Keep in mind, you only work 10 days a month. if you have anymore questions, pm me. Good luck to you
  11. i think my drive and determination is whats helped me the most thus far. as i said earlier, it's starting to get closer to test time.. and i'm getting more anxious/worried. i just need to keep pushing, bottom line. i have pt 3 days a week before the academy starts. it's always held at 8am. it has been cold and the ground has been covered with dew. this has been playing games with my asthma/allergies. it's completely messing up my breathing. i can go run on a tredmill for 14 minutes and feel awesome afterward. i run a mile outside and i feel like shit. i wheeze for a couple hours after, and i just feel like crap. unfortunately, my pt test is held outside, and it'll probably be in the morning. my dilema is this. when i run on my own, it's always on a tredmill, and it's easier to push myself. when i run outside, it's more difficult(for various reasons, mainly my asthma and allergies) who thinks i should just run outside and forget the tredmill alltogether? it has been easier running for longer periods of time/distances on the tredmill, vs outside. i should probably stop setting myself up for failure and just run outside. who all agrees with this? TIA
  12. I've been experimenting with different stretches. Our PT instructor is X special forces, he shows us some good shit. I know plenty about diet and nutrition, i feel i'm eating the right foods. i drink approximately 80 ounces of water a day. my appetite has sky rocketed though since i've been running so much. it always goes up when i'm working out, but i havent been lifting heavily for about 4 months. i wanted to wait untill i could complete the run before i started a lifting regimine.
  13. haha, i know. it was terrible. i was so out of shape. i've knocked 6 minutes off my time in 3 months. atleast i'm making noticeable progress. my abs have gotten so much stronger, too. I was only able to do 20-something sit ups in a minute in february. now i can do 40+ and i havent worked them that much. i think it's just the combination of running so much, and having a cleaner diet.
  14. I'm starting to think i'm not giving my body enough time to rest. i've been having pain in my knees, and lower back. i think i'm going to back off a little bit. My diet is really clean during the week. i tend to slack off on the weekends. I always stretch, but never 15-20 minutes at a time. i stretch for 5 minutes at the most.
  15. So i can take the written exam to be a police officer.
  16. I was just curious if there are any runners on CR. I have to run a 1 1/2 miles in 11:58 by the end of july. I ran it in 20:09 back in February. I've been busting my ass lately, and i've got it down to 14:20 minutes. As time goes by, i'm getting nervous about getting my time down to 11:58. I realize i've knocked damn near 6 minutes off my time in 3 months, but i seem to have came to a wall. my endurance hasnt went up much in the last 2 weeks or so. I dont know if i'm over-doing it. I run twice a day every other day. I get pains in my shins, and even though it hurts, i push through it. i've just told myself i cant quit. i've came this far. Does anyone have any suggestions to help build up my endurance? TIA
  17. I had my tonsils and adnoids removed in december at the age of 21. it sucked. i was out of work for almost 3 weeks. i milked the last week though. i quit taking the pain medicine after the first week, it made me so loopy. i hated it. believe me, i know what you're going through.
  18. my dad was a union carpenter for 25 years. he did finish work toward the end of his career before he retired. he's not doing anything now, and i'm sure he wouldnt mind picking up a small job. pm me for more details, i'll pass it onto my father.
  19. mine dropped 300 every 6 months when i turned 21, but a speeding ticket also came off. my insurance agent said it will continue to drop each year little by little if i dont get anymore violations.
  20. shep actually ran 7.976@179.06MPH. but good game
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