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Everything posted by 03spydr

  1. And they always request your mom.
  2. I may be wrong, but I was under the impression this worked the same way as Amerilink and the rest of the membership clubs. I just had a bad experience with one where I spent $12,000 on a membership and it closed its doors 4 years later. What recourse did I have? I got screwed. I wouldn't wish the same upon anyone. Maybe the business you work for is better than that. If the members pad your pocket as they go down the membership road that's great. My experience with these deals was a one time upfront membership that you could even will to someone when you died. If you have yearly/monthly dues and treat people right, then I'm sure the business you work for will do fine. So what small dollar company do I run since you know so much about it?
  3. How about Amerilink? How are they doing? I know nothing about business? What is the EBIT of the business you own? Mine is doing very well for itself in its first year.
  4. Why did you jump the TMO ship? I think your actions speak loudly for the company. Now we get to hear you try to sell the same company you tried to bash before. Spoken like a true salesman. Does a person only buy one car in their lifetime? They can only buy ONE of your product in a lifetime, then it can be passed down from generation to generation if the company is still around. Anybody still driving around their Grandparents' original Model T and had that as the only car in the family since its purchase? I think not. Ask any home builder if they are scared shitless about what's going to happen when the real estate bubble breaks. Guess what the answer is. We still don't have a straight answer on the membership price. So for the third time: What is the cost of the membership?
  5. A business that only makes profit off of new customers is not a stable business, especially when you only have one product to sell. (membership) It's great that business is booming now, but what happns when market saturation is achieved? Speaking of black and white, what is the actual price of the membership? More than the majority of people here paid for their cars? That's what I thought.
  6. How much does the DirectBuy membership cost and how long are you guaranteed they will be in business?
  7. Sorry about that, try this: Excam 4480 E. 11th Avenue Hialeah, FL 33013 1-305-681-4661 Imports Targa, Erma & Tanarmi handguns
  8. Get a whole new one: http://www.auctionarms.com/search/displayitem.cfm?itemnum=7012136 Or just get a clip here: http://www.dktcoltd.com/gun_maga.htm You're welcome.
  9. http://www.joe-ks.com/MultiMedia/NailGun.mpeg
  10. http://www.dumpalink.com/media/1122929452
  11. I don't think he needs mustang or camaro parts, but I could be wrong. tongue.gif
  12. 03spydr


    Who stole what? Clarrett stole a position that should have been used on someone worthwhile? I think you're right.
  13. It's easy to use, very durable, but not the best for a black car. I used it back in the 80's when I used to wax my parents' cars. It's a good wax for a daily driver, but I wouldn't use it on anything I wanted a show car shine.
  14. According to this pic, it scared the shit out of something. http://img109.exs.cx/img109/8703/turkey45mk.jpg
  15. My parents got a call from the neighbor to come over and see what happens when a flying turkey hits a windshield at 55 mph. http://img36.exs.cx/img36/7970/turkey17ns.jpg http://img36.exs.cx/img36/2124/turkey29ae.jpg http://img36.exs.cx/img36/5603/turkey38bi.jpg
  16. I'll bite my tongue to avoid a ban.
  17. If it is one-legged, is it still a tripod? tongue.gif
  18. Woo hoo! graemlins/thumb.gif
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