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Everything posted by 03spydr

  1. 03spydr

    good movies

    American History X
  2. I bet you left more than one set of skidmarks.
  3. M-F 8:00-4:30 Not like I know or anything.
  4. I decided to try helping out some friends by renting it to them for $800 a month and I paid utilities. They couldn't even make that work. They were running up $150 phone bills, two months back on rent, but worst of all I was lied to. On one of my 600 mile trips out to collect rent, (because mail gets lost and people lose money order receipts ) I left her cash to pay a $200 water bill. She never paid the bill. She told me she did. Wrong answer. Not that this was enough to make a big deal over, but it was the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back. Renting is out of the question. I'm done screwing around. I live too far away for that. I just want to get rid of it and be done with it. Anyway...I figured I would offer it up to friends before it goes on the market next week. It is priced right in line with all the comparables in the area and most have sold in the first few weeks very close to if not at asking price. Let me know on here or by PM if you are interested. I'll get you in contact with my realtor.
  5. Same house as before, but listed with a realtor after renting it didn't work out. Listing price of $127,900. http://www.columbusracing.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=7;t=002932
  6. 03spydr

    Funny shit...

    The salesperson told him that cruise control was "just like autopilot." He sued and won.
  7. 03spydr

    New Year...

    And Michigan still can't pull it off in a consolation bowl... * > Blue graemlins/finger.gif
  8. Best gift on here. graemlins/thumb.gif
  9. Winter is definitely setting in... graemlins/popcorn.gif
  10. If you bought it directly through a verizon retailer, there are serial numbers w/ barcodes on the box that must match the equipment. Basically, you will not be able to return it without the box your phone came in. You don't want to see the mess that would happen if they would actually accept your phone in another box. When they would actually process the transaction, the nice person who gave you the box would go on record as returning their phone, possibly incurring early termination fees, and they would still bill you for not returning your equipment. Basically, your best bet is to find a sucker on Ebay and buy a new phone. Sorry I couldn't help.
  11. Intel 486 DX2 66 MHz ATI 440LX Chipset 540 MB HD 4 MB RAM 2x CD-ROM SoundBlaster 16 56k Modem Price in 1992...$3500
  12. And Pittsburgh will win it all without the help of a single one...
  13. What new bands do your T-Mobile phones operate on? That's right, only one. (Single Band) How much did Deutsch Telekom spend on networks in the US? (The only info relative to the original topic) Can you go to ANY country with GSM service with a GSM phone and just use it? (Without swapping SIM cards or contacting a foreign service provider) Phonescoop was referenced once in an earlier post as an aid in researching phone hardware. It is by no means the source of all my information nor do I subscribe to it. Do you have a better site for researching PCS, CDMA, AMPS hardware? If so, post it to help him out on choosing a phone to use on a superior network.
  14. AT&T is in the process of selling their customers to Cingular and selling phones on the PCS network of Sprint. The partnership agreements are already signed with Sprint PCS. Good luck.
  15. Hmmm... Read your first paragraph. A guy states that he's trying to make good, has been in contact with the appropriate parties, and you jab him in the nuts one last time. Why? Dick.
  16. ^^^ Summary of above post in response to the low blow: We used to suck and do shitty work, but we didn't suck on Anthony's car. We moved to a new building and the people that didn't suck and worked on Anthony's car aren't around anymore, so we're better now. Trust us. We didn't need you anyway, look at our new place. It's booming without CR.
  17. Do you think the US will find the way to the promised land of solid GSM coverage in the next two years? Verizon spends $4 BILLION on their network each year, more than most companies even bring in. Who is going to lend money to a technology trying to play catch-up in the US? Will he need to use the phone overseas very often? The "hassle" of a loaner involves calling a toll free #, giving your phone # and address, and being given the choice of picking one up at a retailer or having FedEx deliver it overnight. What would you have to do to actually be able to use your GSM phone overseas? Possibly have to deal with a service provider and customer service over there for a SIM card? Yeah, much less hassle. If anyone can't think of valid reasons otherwise, then go for two years on Verizon and re-evaluate then. WLNP lets you port your number around if you want, so the market is really competitive right now. You get what you pay for. T-Mobile uses single band phones so you will never roam. The phone just will not work unless you are on a home area tower. Remember how bad Voicestream was? Well they changed a few years ago to T-Mobile...the only thing they changed was the name. They felt it was a bad reputation with the name that was keeping them down. The sad thing is that their sales actually picked up. +1 for stupid public.
  18. Are we looking at what's better right here right now, or what we can take across the ocean with us? The truth is, GSM works great when you can saturate the area with towers. (i.e. Europe) Anyways, Sprint and Verizon both offer GSM loaner phones you can take overseas with your same phone # and everything if you really need one. If you don't like the phone they give you, just swap your sim card into just about anyone's phone you find while you're there. GSM phones open the consumer up to integrity issues just like the old fashioned days of cloning we're trying to get away from.
  19. It's amazing to see some people's perception of different carriers and technologies. 3G is alive and well. Sprint's Vision network and the Verizon Get It Now are both 3G and have been functonal for at least the past year. I had my laptop out to a few meets last summer showing some people the wireless data connection with bandwidth tests around 450 kbps. EVDO is in the works and currently being tested. (approx. 2 Mbps data) CDMA and PCS covers the largest square mile area PERIOD. I challenge anyone to find me any other technology anywhere close. Verizon uses PCS, CDMA and an AMPS backup. Sprint uses PCS with an AMPS backup. Verizon is the way to go for voice. Sprint for data. (It is easier to do cheaply) Just shop around for the phones. The phone you have makes a world of difference. Don't just take a free phone. You usually get what you pay for. Sanyo= generally good for Sprint. LG= generally good for Verizon. (except the vx3100) Also check out www.phonescoop.com for equipment reviews. Any questions, post or PM.
  20. Stay away from the Meridian Color if you plan on operating it on batteries.
  21. What do you plan on using it for? I have a Meridian Gold. The magellan units are good, but the software to make it work is expensive.
  22. Oops, I'm on vacation. Thought it was Monday.
  23. Trailer for sale or rent, You're looking for the King of the Road... Sorry, couldn't help myself.
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