How about re-opening the board with the following forums...
Passing lane > strictly car related topics/news
Parking lot > non-car related current events/news; but formal
Flame room > anything goes, uncensored, unmoderated, what happens here stays here.
Cr events > Our own events
Friends of cr > Cruise-ins, Track days, and other stuff we're invited to.
Electrical issues > troubleshooting help
Mechanical issues > troubleshooting help
Maximizing performance > share experience with power adders, tuning, other performance mods.
Pics & Vids:
car vids and pics > cars only
the other stuff > the "other" pics
Car stuff > members with car stuff to buy/sell
Other stuff > members with other stuff to buy/sell
Vendors > registered vendors who make a donation
Reference > Good reference materials like the "what to expect at the track"
Remember when > the memorable posts
Senior Members Area:
Senior member stuff (including "the lists")
Admin & Mods:
Admin and mod stuff
I think this will break it down to where everyone knows what to expect in each area. Zero tolerance for stray posting will help out the mods. If you want car stuff, go to the car forums. If you want the other stuff, you know where to find it. If you don't want the other stuff, don't go in there. What do you think?