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Everything posted by Buckeye1647545503

  1. it is not how you race your care but how stand by it. Or in my case how it sits in the garage
  2. just dutch oven him and call it even
  3. someone please introduce him to Chris Speilman and Eddie george before it is to late. Oh and for gods sake keep jim brown away from him we don't need anouther clarett
  4. there are a few members here that thier brand of humor is shock/disgust. Brian is one of them (maybe the biggest one)(think loofa and chokeing, and many stories about big shits). You need to understand that and keep that in mind, after all you are dating a vet that was locked in a sand box for like a year with other guys (he most likely said worse over there) so a certian amount of truckers mouth is to be expected. Not saying it is totaly cool but you've been with him enough that you should be ready for it
  5. ya that why I said maybe. at least there means fewer people. fewer people mean better odds ( still not great I guess but better)
  6. every time I thought about buying a bike someone I know gets hurt. After Kenny I will never buy one unless I move to the country, then maybe
  7. I think he ment 250 not 2500
  8. 10g max just becouse it is rare. But aren't very popular however
  9. ya one show of rob and big he went home. He is funny as hell
  10. I was gonna say she looks sad. Gotta a perma froun
  11. lol lol lol lol lol ya I started the snow ball thing watch related things... Then this poped up
  12. yes drifting is still lame but I am a fan of robs and this is funny as hell
  13. no nfl now huh.....guess that is what a multi million dollar punch looks like. What a moron
  14. f the jack set it on your chest and bench it straight up and slip it in
  15. they always look at me funny when I go im there for stufffor my cougar
  16. lol she liked the longhorn at least once it sounds like
  17. jon we get it you like losing teams give it a rest
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