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Posts posted by Buckeye1647545503

  1. So I'm noticing..You'd think out of 4 pages you'd get at least 1 stunning woman.


    Kinds like suicide girls, most are adverage girls with tats and fake hair to "doll" them up.

    Personally I prefer a jeans and tshirt girl with little make up and natural hair but what ever ....... willing always gains them points! Lol

  2. I am pretty sure I've had the mispleasure of being "helped " by the same dude.


    I get very tired of asshat retail employees telling me the stuff I'm buying for a project won't work. If any of them had a clue they wouldn't be working there anyway. My latest favorite dumbass works at the napa warehouse in linworth. I try so hard not to get waited on by him. When I go to napa I have part numbers and know what I'm doing, but the dude refuses to get me the numbers and insists on entering vehicle info. Last instance was filters for my duece and a half. Dude argued over and over that those "tractor" filters wouldn't work and didn't know what kind of car I had, but it wasn't in the system.
  3. Fuck crossfit! Why whould anyone want to go where the number of woman to men os higher than a standard gym, the people are more group driven rather than the more lonely bb. Ya god forbid people enjoy working out, I fucking hate lifting at a gym cause it is fucking boring as shit and the scenery is normally either she men or snoby chicks on ellipticals. I


    I guess i'll just sit on the couch since crossfit is so bad. Fattys fo life!


    Only on Cr can we all date models and look down at people thar are in superb physical shap because they do the wrong kind of exercise

  4. So I went to see what was avail at apple (and pricing) Question. What is better the Ami hard drive or the new flash drive ? The apple geek is saying the new flasch is better and will take abuse and last longer but it also sounded like it was part of the board and if I had a issue I was fucked. Oh and they don't make a 15in air with a I7 unless I buy remain (might do that)
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