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Posts posted by Buckeye1647545503

  1. Is this an extra car you don't need access to often? I don't have a place in Columbus yet, but we have room 100 miles west of Columbus. It's outside. We live in a very small town. Would love to help out after all you did to help my soldier with her car. Just let me know.


    I really appreciate the offer greatly but I will be switching the two out though the winter so I would not want to bother you

  2. Scott check out the apartment complex at rosehill and broad if you change your mind I know they rent garages. Also check into storage places. The last one I used at 2 months free when you pay for the first. I put a car in there for $30 and got 3 months of winter out of it.


    Jason pm what place that was please

  3. You said you want "overkill" just for youtube and emailing? or was it a typo


    correct mostly I don't know to what extent I will need it for school. I am sure I could "get by" with a cheap $2-300 unit but I had one years back that was middle of the road when I bought it and in no time it was not even good enough to basic things so I would rather buy up and have room if I need it. There are some things I would most likely like to get involved with but since I have only ever had leftover computers (never wanted to spend $ on one) I have never tried any of them (vid editing to name one)

  4. Gonna most likely buy a laptop to be used mostly for school. Internet time wasting / youtube etc and hopefully video editing come spring when I get the car out. I want overkill, I want it to still be a decent unit in 2 years or so when I graduate. What whould you buy and why?
  5. Just paint the lower sections on the outslde of the hood. Leave the inside large panels rusty vw ricer style.


    Don't forget to spray the wheels with fresh white too!


    I like this Idea, it would look cool and you can put a flat clear over the rust part ans seal it and stop the rust and make it easier to wash the shiny part without the rusty water running onto the shiny

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