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Everything posted by Buckeye1647545503

  1. someone tried to peel the bush sticker off of my step brothers car. BUT since they are kerry supporters they must have changed there mind half way through since only half was gone
  2. ya realy I have not heard about it, who is running ?
  3. ttt some one needs a 500 dollar 4X4! it is raised with skyjacker springs and shocks, has urathane in front sus and is siting on 32-11.5's
  4. greg I have been trying to call the numbers you gave me and no one answers, please check your e-mail and give me a shout
  5. post if you guys find this stuff I have not heard of it but will try it on the frame of the ranger if it that good
  6. sorry but 5500 for a 88 is not a great deal
  7. Chris would you please take ants car and race sam for christs sake!!
  8. I have a 4x4 with rust and apray paint and a ranger with no paint at all. Great club we have huh
  9. look up reynoldsburg vac on main you can rent one for 24 hrs that is pro quality for like 12 dollars, it does a great job.
  10. I have a gen 1 I have never used that can borrow
  11. other than "wanting something differant" what good reason would make you want to do all the work? why not invest in some custom paint or a turbo setup? Or hell even suspention mods would be good.
  12. pm tinman I am sure he can cut the butterflies and you could port them
  13. OH- I am hopeing it is all up hill from here
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