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Everything posted by KennyFKINPowerz

  1. I had insight for 3 or 4 years and switched to WOW when they first came to Columbus maybe 5 years agoish. I have to say that Insight sucked. I hated them every single day. Wow has been really good and any issue I have ever had has been resolved very quickly. I have their HD DVR box and I have had no problems with it at all.
  2. What kind of pump and set were you using? I use the medtronics stuff and I have never had any kind of issues like that. I do have to say that I usually go about 4 days even though they say 3. Yeah, changing it out does suck but I can eat pretty much whatever I want and I dont have to take 5 shots a day anymore so that makes it worth it to me.
  3. Here is what I try to stick by as far as far as my diet goes. This is the daily reccomended amount, based off a 180 lb man. I am 200 so I just add a little. Carbs – 125-200 Protein - 250-300 Fat – Low as possible – 75 grams or lower
  4. If you go to the Muscle and Strength site or Muscle and Fitness they have a lot of good diet plans and workouts out there. This way you can choose what best fits you.
  5. Thats a nice theory but the problem with all of this is that 90% of the people who do this will not take action. Maybe CR needs to have quarterly boxing matches. We can let all the internet tension build up and then take it out on each other at the matches. We have a few boxers on here. I am sure we could get this set up some how.
  6. I'm sorry. I will man up.
  7. I work out 4 days a week at Urban Active. I get off work at 6 and go straight there. It is pretty busy at that time but I am out of there in an hour every time. Plus they are building one in Pickerington also so that will be much closer. I personally have never had anyone try to sell me anything in there though.
  8. I live in Blacklick and work at Easton. I'm a member at Urban Active on the corner of 161 and Hamilton rd. I pay 29.99 a month and there is no contract. I don't know if this package is still available but it is a month to month package and there is no cancellation fee or anything. Its a pretty good deal. http://www.urbanactive.com/trainerfinder/websites/60092/home/index.html Also here is the diet I am on. I have been on this one for about 3 weeks now and I really like it so far. http://www.muscleandfitness.com/images/maf/209705/4110.pdf
  9. I personally think that picking on people or harassing them to the point that they get this angry should be a banable offense also. Joking around is cool but most people have a breaking point. I dont know the whole story but you never know what someone is capable of and it would be awful if someone got hurt because of shit talking on the internet.
  10. A buddy of mine hit a pot hole a few years ago in his H2. He has 24" Leaxani wheels on it that cost about 10k with the tires. It messed 2 of them up real bad. ODOT laughed at him pretty much. If I remember there is a set amount that they will pay. I think they told him 200 per wheel or something like that. Not really enough to cover a stock rim and tire.
  11. I am a diabetic who is on an insulin pump and before I went on the pump I had a lot of complications and hospital stays. I understand what she is going through. Wishing her a speedy recovery.
  12. I would be more interested in an SKS than an AK if it can be done.
  13. I have had my permit since 04 or 05 and I hope I never have to be in this situation but if I do I won't hesitate.
  14. We are hearing more and more about Robbers, criminal ect getting shot while commiting these crimes. Hopefully it starts to sink in that people are tired of this crap and are not afraid to defend themselves. I praise this guy. Good Job. Hopefully our "Justice System" works with and for this guy and not against him in this matter.
  15. So is there a date set? I can bring someone in as my guest as well.
  16. I'm a member there. I was not there this weekend though. I was there last weekend.
  17. Either SC or NC, maybe FL. I love the south.
  18. I have no degree but 10 years of on job experience and a handful of certs. Honestly my experience has done more for me than the certs. I am working the same kind of job that I have been for many years. i was hoping the certs would give me a boost, but they have not yet. I went back to school and I am almost finished with my degree so we will see if that helps any. I went to TekSystems for my certs. What a waste of money. I should have done self study. It would have been much quicker and cheaper. MCSA A+ N+
  19. Bump. Still got it. It has to go. Make me an offer.
  20. Thats because they are made to look that way by their government
  21. They made it right and paid us. I always knew that they would. They just really ran us through the ringer. I eventually talked to a manager and she apologised to me. The claims adjuster I believe started asking me about my income and what kind of car i drive. She said she need to know my income because if i didnt make enough then they would deny the claim because I was probably lying. It was crazy man. I told her dont you think if I was gonna file a false claim that I would have chosen the wifes ring instead of my cheap ass ring.
  22. I am all for something new. Unfortunately you can't change a country in a year. I am gonna hold off on my criticisim for a while and see if he actually gets anything done. I voted for Bush both times and regreted that in the end. I voted for Obama because he talked a good talk. I am gonna wait to see if he can get anything done. If not I wont vote for him again.
  23. I did have an appraisal and so did they. When the wife and I purchased them we insured them right away and Metlife required us to send them copies of the appraisals.
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