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Everything posted by KennyFKINPowerz

  1. I really like Muscle Pharm's Combat powder. It is a mix.
  2. Vinces Muscle shop on Sawmill is a really good spot. If I dont oreder from bodybuilding.com then I go see him. He is a lot cheaper and doesnt try to upsell you on anything.
  3. I have owned both and like them equally.
  4. I went through this a few months ago while I was waiting for my subscription to start showing up. The only place I found that carries them is Beechcroft Newsstand on 161. I called everywhere looking for it.
  5. NHRA has so many inspectors per division. You can get a list of the inspectors in your division and call them directly. We used to have Pinky do them at our shop years ago. We would wait to get 2 or more cars to do and just call him up and he would come do it.
  6. My buddy did a 30 day Anavar cycle. He chose that because its so soft and he has some mediacal conditions . I watched him go a lot heavier in the gym when he was on it.
  7. 1st episode was a little soft. The b-day party was pretty sweet. Hell yeah its a good gift "because its got a blue ray player".
  8. I work in the pharmacy industry and deal with HIPPA everyday. I am not sure how a job description is in any violation of HIPPA laws.
  9. x3 He is doiong all the carpet and Laminet in my house in a couple of weeks.
  10. One of my co-workers is looking for a house in Delaware. I'll pass this on to him.
  11. KennyFKINPowerz

    R.I.P CR

    You dont have to lie. Nobody is
  12. KennyFKINPowerz

    R.I.P CR

    That was not directed towards you. I will always have something to say back to you.
  13. KennyFKINPowerz

    R.I.P CR

    I never made a clean pass on slicks tardie cakes. They fricken rubbed so bad it lookled like I was fogging for mosquitos. And its gone now so it doesnt even matter I just dont know what to say.
  14. All the supps that I am on really just help me intensify my workouts, get through the intense workouts and then to recover faster afterwards. The only thing that I have ever taken and seen strength gains was testosterone and as soon as I stopped taking it, they went away. I agree with smokinghawk and gains never come fast, no matter what you are taking. Hard work and determination is what play the biggest part.
  15. KennyFKINPowerz

    R.I.P CR

    Keep wishing and dreaming. You must have smoked on some rotten dick. The Lt1 was faster than you even when it was blowing the tires off of it. How does that feel to know that a car with so much potential was still slower than my LT1? Dont call me bro. You drive a slow bannana peel. Go get something fast and you may obtain the priveledge of calling me bro.
  16. KennyFKINPowerz

    R.I.P CR

    No instead you though buying a car that had some potential but was still slow was a great idea. And its still slow.
  17. KennyFKINPowerz

    R.I.P CR

  18. KennyFKINPowerz

    R.I.P CR

    Jones http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRvSk2EPg2S82IFf39BMODYYGYYYvfv8O_K4w9aoI0Mc6N2c7fw
  19. KennyFKINPowerz

    R.I.P CR

    I think Jones will die from being crushed by one of docs balls.
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