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Posts posted by Ziggy1647545504

  1. I lost my mom's Mom and Dad, and my dad's Mom in the space of 5 weeks a couple of years ago, and my mom's Step-Mom about a year later. I went from having 5 fairly youthful grandparents to one in the blink of an eye. The scary thing is since my grandmother passed, my dad's dad has aged probably 2 years for every 6 months that has passed since.
  2. Saw this Infiniti QX56 in Cleveland a couple of weeks ago:



    Went to this little hole in the wall shop here in Cincinnati a couple of weeks ago and spotted this Aston Martin getting serviced amongst a Jeep Cherokee getting a radiator, a mid 60's Chevelle under a cover on a lift, a Saturn Vue on another lift, a 4WD 56 Ford pickup, and a couple of old Fiats in varying states of disrepair.



    On my way back from lunch last week, this guy passed me on his Boss Hoss V8 Trike. I'm pretty sure that this bike from front to rear was longer than my truck, and it probably weighed nearly as much!


  3. I have never, and do not forsee ever voting against a school levy. Don't get the wrong idea, I'm not happy about paying more in taxes, but as much emphasis as there is when people are looking for a home (myself included) that is located in a good school district, I don't think you can go wrong. The school district I am in is facing dire straits right now, having failed to pass a levy in the last two attempts. The district has stopped busing for the high school all together, and stopped busing the younger kids if they live within 5 miles of their respective school. Athletic programs are on pay to play status of I think this year it is $475/student/sport. Electives have been cut significantly, so there is only limited music, art, and phys ed. If the levy being put forth today doesn't pass, my school district (which incedentally has an Excellence With Distinction rating by the state) will fall into fiscal emergency and be subject to being taken over by the state. If that happens, ALL athletic activities will likely end, music, theatre, art, phys ed, etc... will also be cut.


    Before anyone points to the school board for not being better stewards of the district's money, you need to know that our district is in the position it is because it is growing at such a rapid rate. We've got new residential construction all over the place which is adding approximately 400 students to the district per year k-12, and the taxes that apply to the new build homes typically do not begin filtering into the school budget for a couple of years.


    There has been a lot of opposition to a new operating levy down here, despite the school board's efforts to put together the most fair and fiscally responsible plan. Last November there was a levy on the ballot which would have assessed an earned income tax as opposed to a property tax which would not have affected the most vocal opponents at all, but would have ended up raising the needed capital to maintain athletics, arts, a lot of academic teachers, and busing without any cuts at all, not to mention the fact that we would have been able keep two elementary schools open.

    The earned income levy was blindly voted down by the majority of voters, and when asked after the fact, many of them had the same response: "I'm on a fixed income and cannot afford any more taxes." These are the same people now that are saying that a property tax that applies to everyone in the district who is a home owner isn't right, and they plan on voting against it because it is not an earned income tax.


    The public education system is too important not to support, regardless of whether you have kids or not. The vast majority of people in this country have come up through the public school system. When you were in school, you knew which districts were the "rich" districts, and when you have kids of your own, who wouldn't want their kid in one of those districts? The point is, those are the "rich" districts because they have the support of their respective communities. My kids are now in a private Christian school because the last two levys failed to pass, and my wife and I are willing to make the sacrifice to see our kids succeed, but we will both be voting for our local school levy.

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  4. That one looks like a nightmare waiting to happen to someone. The outside body damage doesn't look too bad, but I suspect significant undercarriage damage. If you look closely at that rt frt 3/4 view, you can see where the bottom of the fender is blown out, and there is damage on the front cover as well. Also, the right rear wheel is not chrome like the others (maybe the spare?) That opens up all kinds of potential damage to the rear suspension and axle assy. The ad says it runs and drives, I'd want to see it up on a lift before making the decision to buy. I'd be curious to find out where it came from too. Depending on what state the previous owner lived in the damage done in the accident may only be a percentage of the value of the vehicle. Kentucky law says that once damage reaches 75% of the value of the vehicle, it is a total loss. I believe some states are as low as 65 or 70%. Look it over real close, see if there is an estimate for repair that you could see, that is information that the auction house should have had when the salvage yard bought the car, even if it is just a figure from the ins. co.
  5. I made the thread because I think the tires are silly. They just are not practical at all, I can totally appreciate a solid set up...


    I can't open the link here at work, but I assume it is something similar to this...


    Spotted this fine Infinity QX56 in downtown Cleveland last week. Dude cut the front and rear bumpers, fenders, and quarter panels to get 32's under it.

  6. So I was on my way to pick my kids up from school yesterday, and I looked over at the suv in the next lane and notice there is writing on the driver's window. Naturally, I paused to read what was written there, and was somewhat alarmed to see "CFC - Not for Sale" written there. I was under the impression that when a dealership took a car under the C4C program, they were supposed to render the engines inoperable immediately.


    Pic for proof:


    So my question is this: If you were going to cheat the gov't on that program, wouldn't you at least make sure the writing was removed from the window before driving off in the vehicle?

  7. Nationwide does not allow different titled car under 1 policy. Unless you are under 18 or something or married


    I'm pretty sure that goes for most insurance companies... If your mom isn't on the title, her insurance company may not cover the car.

  8. I've never owned anything but a "4 figure" car. The only car I've taken a car payment on was 9 years ago, when I bought the wife her Contour, and it wasn't even close to five figures. I don't like car payments, and as long as I can avoid it, will not have one. I will say though that I'd like to get my hands on a clean '96 Impala SS, but those are still bringing $10k plus. :(
  9. I just put the shell on it this morning, $200 score off of Craigs List. The funny looking rake is the same without it. I just attributed it to the s10's running the same spring rate in the front on both the 4 and 6 cylinder models and the 4 being so much lighter won't put the front end where it should be. The truck has 139k miles, and I'm sure the rear springs are a little softer than they should be, but it seems every regular cab, 4 cylinder, short box s10 sits the same way. I don't like it, and I'm gonna change it as soon as possible.

    This pic was taken yesterday, about 10 minutes after I got the title signed.


  10. If it's not a huge amount, then what about using lifting blocks in the rear to make the stance change? Give you a little more ground clearance in the process.


    I suppose I could do that, it just seems like going the wrong direction. I'm getting new (taller and wider than stock) tires on it this afternoon, I'll re-evaluate then. I was thinking about lowering the front because there is like 13 inches (exaggerated of course, but not much) of wheel gap up front. We'll see how it looks with the new tires, then I'll decide what I'll do. Springs are available online for $130, seems almost silly not to spend the money and do it right.


    Here it as of this morning...


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