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Posts posted by Ziggy1647545504

  1. I just bought this '99 s10, and I like it well enough, but I think the stance is wrong. It's got the 2.2L in it, and I think the engine is just not heavy enough to make the front end sit where it should. I want to lower the front end to at least level it out, maybe give it just a slight rake, and was wondering what my options are. Is there anything quick, easy, and safe (bonus points for being cheap too!) that will deliver the desired results?
  2. I believe Suzuki says you shouldn't use anything but kerosene to clean the chain on your SV. I think the interval for cleaning and lubing the chain is really dependant on how/when/what conditions you ride in.
  3. I love the v-stars! I've had two of them. Completely stock they kinda suck, but with a couple of mods they wake up quite a bit. $2700 is a pretty good price, especially for the mileage. I sold a 2001 with 33k on it last April for $2750. As for the time it's been parked, you'll need to check the same things you would on any bike, dry rotted tires, fork seals, etc... V-Star specific stuff is pretty straight forward. The big thing on these bikes is the final drive. Grab hold of the drive shaft, and if it feels like it's got excessive play, stay away. The assemblers of these bikes have a bad reputation for not putting enough lube on the drive shaft splines which leads to premature final drive failure. Replacement final drives are stupid expensive, and most guys end up replacing with parts from a Virago 535.
  4. Are you talking about a *new* engine, trans, and clutch (new parts never installed in anything previously, ie: jasper or equivalent) or "new" (new to the car, but purchased from a private party or salvage yard) It does make a difference. If you used truly New parts, be they OE or Aftermarket, you are definately entitled to compensation in the event of a total loss because your car is worth more with the new parts than another like model, like year, like condition '91 Talon. If you used salvage yard parts, you're gonna be hard pressed to prove increased value because the assumption is that you removed non-working parts in favor of working parts from a similar age, condition, and milage car. Unfortunately, if you don't have receipts though, you're screwed either way. The clutch isn't worth anything by the way, it is considered a wear part and no value adjustment is typically given for replacing wear parts. I went through a similar arguement with my insurance company (also my employer) about the new B.A.T. Euro Spec springs and struts I had installed in my Contour 5 days before I hit a deer and totalled it. $1500 just *poof*! Not worth anything without retaining the car.
  5. my lease has been up since march and why do I wanna get it in writing ya im dumb but don't understand lol


    Your lease was up in March, and your former landlord sold the house when? I've heard of renters being kicked out when a property owner lets a house go to foreclosure, but it seems like there would have to be a law protecting a tenant when the property owner sells the property.


    I guess my question is: How long have you been paying rent to the current landlord? You said the current landlord told you that the place was supposed to be unoccupied when he bought it, but you've been paying rent, and I assume someone's been cashing your rent check, who was it? It seems to me that if the new property owner accepted your rent payments, then they would have had to have accepted the terms of the lease that was present on the property at the time of purchase. If the lease term was up at the end of March, and the new landlord has continued to accept rent checks for the property, I imagine you'd have some legal recourse...

  6. You need an attorney. Get your rent into escrow (like, yesterday) and get find representation from a lawyer specializing in residential law. Avoiding an eviction on your credit report is exactly why you need representation. Eviction is not a quick process, you've got time.
  7. Do you have copies of your original lease and notifications of transfer of property? I'd say that you need to escrow your rent payments right away until 1) property ownership is firmly established, and 2) with whom your lease agreement lies. I don't believe that you can be evicted that way...
  8. Are you using the wall charger? I ran the battery low on mine one time, and it wouldn't charge from either the usb port on my laptop, nor the car charger. I ended up taking mine in to the Verizon store in Tampa (stuff like this always seems to happen when you're out of town) and they plugged it in to the wall charger for 2 hours, and it's been fine ever since.
  9. It's not a huge deal, but if you're all stock, its kind of a PITA moving all the stuff to get at the carbs. It's much easier to do with the carbs off the bike, but that means pulling the seat, air box, speedo cluster, tank, AIS stuff that gets in the way, then physically removing the carbs. First time pulling them off, and putting them back on will probably take you 2 hours not including the time to take the carbs apart and clean. It goes a little faster each time you do it, though.
  10. sounds like a plugged main jet


    +1 Sounds like it's doing exactly what mine was doing before I found I had the wrong jets in it. Open the float side of the carbs and get those jets cleaned out. I'd put a new filter on it too, just to be sure.

  11. Good vid. Here's the hard part though.


    When you come home there are people lining the streets. Everyone is cheering and wants to shake your hand. One of your soldiers mom and dad come and find you to say thank you for keeping their son safe and looking after him, like you said you would. Mom has happy tears and dad is just proud as can be. You muster all you can to stay composed and tell them it was all him, and he did great, doing what he was suppose to. Because he did. You see a vid like this and it's the same treatment for one person with honor, as it should be. Why did you get to come home?


    I had no contact. I refuse to wear any of the 6 combat patch's authorized to my Company. Every time I went out, things went smooth. A unit I use to be in took heavy casualties. Why them? Why now? Why didn't I get called on when I was with them? What would have been the outcome for me? Time and place become an endless question that has no final answer.


    A soldier who falls in combat is too soon for gotten. These people are the reason we live our everyday life as fat, worry free people. They got up early and covered down on the enemy to ensure so many people have the right to test drive their couch and spoil their kids. This is done because of who they are and how they are. What have you done to benefit them, as they have done to cover you? I don't want people to post and answer to that. I just want you to think about that. If someone you know has died defending your/our way of life, it is your responsibility to ensure their story is told.


    Someone from school you knew? Get the details and let people know. Toast them when you have a round with friends. It's a very small and easy thing that pays great tribute to someone.


    Always remember, it's not that a service member wanted to die, but that they were WILLING to, for your/our safety and way of life.


    + rep for you, well stated. Thank you for your service!

  12. Have you looked into the Lemon Law in Ohio? I know in Texas you would have a case. You are a sweet little cranberry thorne


    Lemon Law only applies to new vehicles.


    I've not had a good experience with Layman. I bought my Cadillac there, and three months after purchase, I was replacing head gaskets. They wouldn't buy me a tank of gas either. Overall, I was thoroughly disappointed with my purchase experience there. What should have been an hour and a half deal tops, ended up taking over 3 hours. You'd think that someone coming in and doing a $1700 cash deal for one of the wholesale lot cars would at least get some gas. Hell, I did them a favor by taking that car off the lot for them!

  13. I didn't realize Penske is has the exclusive deal to sell Smart cars in the US. I hope they're able to start building Saturns again, the last several years Saturn has turned into the US' Opel. Say what you will, I want Saturn (and Penske) to succeed.
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