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Everything posted by GilbWs6

  1. All of what is now 740 was 614 until the early-mid 90's. Same with 937. It used to all be 513. Dafuq is 234 and 567???
  2. I have owned nothing but JL products since I was 16. Started out with 4 12w0's in my GTP, had an 8w0 in my Mustang, 1 13w7 in my S-10 and now a 10w3 in a JL stealthbox in the ws6. Very very happy with the w3 as I listen to rap, rock, country and it handles everything exceptionally well.
  3. We stayed in this Cabin in May and really enjoyed ourselves. http://www.cabinfevervacations.com/component/com_resortzilla/view,cabin_filterfind/index.php?option=com_resortzilla&view=cabin_detail&cid=844
  4. It must just be me but I have absolutely no issue with someone parking like that in a parking lot that isn't close to being full. If I had an expensive car (> $100,000) I'd be doing it too. If the parking lot was full, I'd come back later. Would I park my T/A like that? No, but I would park my Bugatti like that. :fuckyeah:
  5. I agree totally. He was parked as far away from the vehicle as possible and next to a Viper.
  6. It was at Steak N Shake in Lancaster last night. WV plates. http://img843.imageshack.us/img843/7695/2gfj.jpg
  7. Loved Gatlinburg/Pigeon Forge. Went in May for the first time. Rented a cabin that was capable of sleeping ~6. Was able to take the dog and keep him in the cabin with us. 4 nights for under $700. Cabin Fever Vacations was the rental agency. Had two jacuzzi tubs and a hot tub. Plenty of stuff to do for everyone. Took us about 6 hours to drive there. Will be going back either this September or May.
  8. I wear polos and khakis/dress pants during spring/summer/fall and shirt & tie during the winter and buy Ecco shoes/boots. http://www.eccousa.com
  9. I daily drive a 2007 Impala LT with the 3.5 with 112,000 miles. I bought it with 42,000. I average 29.1 MPG and have never had it in the shop for anything more than standard maintenance. Impalas are comfortable, reliable and cheap/easy to work on. Not to mention you'll spend a lot less upfront on a nice low mileage Impala that you will a Honda/Toyota. DO NOT BUY AN IMPALA WITH A 3.9!!
  10. I know you were looking new body style but we just took in an 08 touring with ~55,000 miles. Should be through service tomorrow.
  11. Engine guy was bogged down today with Cordell's favorite things to do when he was a GM tech (3.6 timing chains). I took a video of it. Seems to be getting louder. Another person said they thought it sounded like an exhaust leak without me provoking a comment. That's 3 people that have thought that other than me. Granted, none of us are techs.
  12. Thanks for all the ideas. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it's not the bottom end.
  13. Plus it's a really faint noise.
  14. No I haven't. I changed the oil myself last Tuesday and would think I'd have oil on the floor of my garage or my parking spot at work. I'll double check it though. I left it in the shop at work til Monday. Yes. My car does it too. This sound isn't it. I wish it was. Definitely not that loud. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it's a spring or something to do with my longtube install from last fall. Don't get me wrong, I want to do a motor build but I had put it off this year to do some stuff to the house I'd been wanting to do. The more I think about it, I don't think it's a bearing, I managed to drive it from Lancaster to Dublin this morning on the thought that it was an exhaust leak. I would think that the damn thing would have come apart along the 44 mile trek.
  15. This morning I hoped in the WS6 to drive it to work. I heard a quiet ticking noise echoing off the garage floor/wall. Popped the hood, couldn't hear anything. Got down on the floor and heard the ticking coming from underneath the car. Gave it a little rev and the noise went away. First though was an exhaust leak. Nursed it to work and didn't have any issues. Started it back up to have one of the techs look at it and it sounded the same but when I revved it, it made a slight knocking noise (also coming from underneath the car). I'm hoping this isn't the case but I'm fearing that it's the bottom end. Having our engine tech look at it on Monday. Have any of you had experiences like this with LS1's?
  16. I did mine through Union Savings and wound up at 2.75 for 15 years. Very little out of pocket. Couple hundred for closing costs and filing fees and opening up a new escrow account.
  17. GM Certified Acadias, Enclaves and I believe Traverses have 1.9% for 60 months for people with average credit and higher.
  18. There is a simple fix for this that I have to remind my techs about. 1) Buy an 09 or 10 that is GM Certified or still under powertrain warranty. 2) Find a good service department 3) Complain about clacking or ticking (also complain about power steering noise) 4) Have it fixed under warranty with the new and improved parts (a good engine guy can do this job is few hours) Because it's a known issue with the early ones, GM almost never turns down a warranty claim. They really are great vehicles for what most people use them for. Are they an MDX? No. Are they an X5? No. Do they have the capability of a minivan? No. But for someone who dreads driving a minivan and doesn't want to break the bank, the Traverse, Enclave and Acadia are nice rides. I wouldn't sell the insane number of the latter two to new and repeat buyers if they weren't.
  19. Call her bank with her while completing the transaction and verify funds during banking hours.
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