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Everything posted by Jackson1647545504

  1. bolded for the thread homerun
  2. You'll be surprised how they care so little about your walls and drop a safe on themselves. Hire a mover ...
  3. http://memecrunch.com/meme/XRBJ/my-butthurt-detector/image.jpg
  4. I was working in my first job and had a small office at the end of a long second floor hallway. Someone came in and said that "someone crashed a plane into a building and its on TV upstairs" Went into the board room and 20+ people were in there with a few crying at the first tower being hit; this is South Bend Indiana btw ... Management said that anyone too upset could go home for the day; in a consumer sales office I think they realized no one would really be ordering furniture today. Spoke with my parents later in the 'hey did you see that' conversation ... pretty much agree'd someone fucked up and here comes a war ...
  5. http://localtvkdvr.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/blue-horse.jpg
  6. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/worldviews/wp/2014/09/04/where-are-the-gates-of-hell/
  7. http://g-ecx.images-amazon.com/images/G/01/th/aplus/3m/3M-indoor-applied.jpg
  8. Oakley store in Polaris mall. They have a doctor and prescription specialist there.
  9. She is an 81 year old woman getting her hustle on Good for her ... you and I are in the same boat ... but not with a candle ... just taking 20 second to post this ...
  10. I wouldn't do it ever again After doing all this I understand people who quoted $2K+ and 10 year warranty. Its honestly worth that if they do all this prep. I had fun on the project though and really do enjoy the floor. Get your floor right and go put in a baller lift .... Maybe not baller ...but a lift non-the-less ...
  11. At the top of the photo and the base of the wall, see the black/dark marks? That's the stuff the floor grinder would not remove and I had to zip it off by hand with the angle grinder. Compare that to an above photo which I think was just power/chemical washing. I would never do this job without grinding the floor first. Its such as pain to redo later I want it to last long as possible. I was amazed how the floor looked after the grinding and what it was able to remove ... looked like a smooth pool deck really ...
  12. 1) Go to Sunbelt Rental and get the single disc floor grunder (use truck, its heavy) 2) Grind your floor for an afternoon so its flat and smooth like a pool deck 3) Get a dewalt diamond grinder bit from lowes; its yellow, 6inch diameter and expensive (can sell you mine if you want) 4) Use that bit with your angle grinder to clean up the edges around everythnig 5) Go to Creative Paints on Huntley and get their Corranado 2 part floor epoxy 6) Mix and roll the epoxy accordingly I would not use anything bought from a retail store for this project; other than tools for prep and application. DO NOT WALK ON THE FLOOR UNTILL 24 HOURS HAS PASSED AFTER APPLICATION. Even though you can it will leave tiny footmarks in the clear coat and will see them in certain light/angled. Feel free to add color chips or have the epoxy color mixed up. I also added a clear coat top with an additional clear grit for more texture. You should have ~$400 in materials/rental, 4hrs on prep, and 4hrs on application Start the project WAY early so you can let the concrete dry -completely- from the wet grinding before applying the epoxy.
  13. if i scroll fast enough its like a 1914 youtube cool pics 4real though
  14. Wireless RX - https://plus.google.com/103207969225240189980/about
  15. sex on wheels http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/27/72/91/277291c89899f70837af78e6901b6025.jpg
  16. "In a time of peace, there is no need to fly though a storm" -- former navy pilot Once into Tennessee we "had" to go though a jet-black storm cloud ... it was -not- fun, old women were crying, someone didn't believe it and launched up and hit the overhead compartment (LOL)
  17. "because I'll open the door and fan the smoke/flames out" -- hillbilly racing video fire suppression team member
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