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Everything posted by OGRE

  1. We dont have very few real scientists anymore, and they are ignored because some how the media really likes to take studies done by tax payer money as gospel. The Government gives schools and organizations research money, and everyone knows the Gov.s stand on the issue. Conflict of interest. What happens if those organizations tell the government that global warming isn't caused by people? bye-bye grant money. Not conspiracy, common sense.
  2. anyone having another shooting meet?
  3. Put 110 rounds through the new SA 1911 GI today. Learned a few things: extended beavertails are good, hammer bite is bad. she had no trouble eating the hallow points, only ran a couple mags through but had no issues. My aim sucks, at only 20' i had about a 10" spread, rather sad. Ear plugs are great, my cousin said, nah it's cool i don't need them, so i let him fire the gun, 1 round later he put in his earplugs, LOL. All in all though i'm extremely happy with it and can't wait to snag some more ammo this week hopefully so i can shoot on thanksgiving. Finally, the 1911 is a breeze to clean and tear down/put together. cleaned, oiled and good as new in a little over an hour.
  4. When i picked up my 1911, The sales person was happy to sell me these. http://photos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs058.snc3/14566_101756749848902_100000437336398_49502_4082947_n.jpg Winchester Ranger 230 gr. +P T-series.
  5. yeah play calling was shit, but they can't droip back to pass because the right tackle can't stop a freaking high school kid from getting around him. The rookie RD looked good, the D was stellar overall. and BQ i think did about as much as he could considering the circumstances.
  6. she's good. is it true next week is the end of the season? i thought they were going a full 22 weeks. I like the show alt been there since about 3 weeks into the first season.
  7. I'm a diehard browns fan but i really enjoy watching Hines Ward play he is a badass football player for any era.
  8. if you want blued the place I got my gun has a 1911-A1 Mil-spec for $499. I couldn't talk them down from thier 690 they wanted for the stainless milspec. mil-specs are a step above the G.I. model.
  9. Springfield GI: http://photos-c.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs058.snc3/14566_101756746515569_100000437336398_49501_1790490_n.jpg Got it for $550 and had to drive to dayton to find one, vances would order me one for $600. I'm pretty happy. got 100 target rounds, 50 winchester ranger hollow points, cleaning kit, and slide grease for $690 out the door. When we going shooting?
  10. sweep your divisional games then repost thread.
  11. OGRE

    facebook ftw

    yeah facebook let my ex-girlfriend ask to be my friend. does a 31 year old dude, husband of 8 years want to be bothered by a slut that cheated on him 10 years ago? fuck no! no lie, she gave porn star quality head though.
  12. I may have a line on a Springfield Armory 1911-A1 Mil-spec, they are asking $689, i'm going to offer 650, or the 689 with an extra (grip extention clip) and a box of ammo if not, i'll keep looking. good news, my budget just got bigger, i got about $720 to play with now but i want som ammo, and a couple clips too.
  13. Talked with my local dealer, but going to vances for a second opinion. I would really like a Springfield Armory GI S/S. But the guy hear in hilliard says they are hard to come by and to expect to pay $600. which is more than i would like too. We will see. If i cannot find that gun for the price i have seen around the internet $520-550 i'll go haead and get the ruger P90 and then save up for Kimber down the road.
  14. Ford never killed the pony car, and the other two did as well as take our money. I decided to only owning fords and Hondas from that point on.
  16. castle doctrine homey. http://www.buckeyefirearms.org/node/5758/
  17. Ty for the listing, unfortunatly i really hate that color. Going to a range soon and will hopefully shoot a RIA/springfield G.I and a P90, i've been scowering the interweb and a couple other forums and i keep coming back to those 3. Beautiful: http://www.rrarms.com/catalog.php?prod=GPW9151LP
  18. how can you tell if a particular model can handle +P or +P+ rounds?
  19. ty that's a big help. i'll definatly need to do some shooting soon before picking something up.
  20. on edit: no can do this weekend, bit low on greenery. Sucks because i really want to come out, thanks for the invite.
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