OK, important developments. Initially i was going to gut the thing and sell it all off. After much thinking i have decided to buy a 99 or 00 GT. This is a VERY good thing because they are cheep enough now that my payments on a a "short" loan would be significan't less than my 98 and would only owe slightly more than i did when the 98 got wrecked. This and a stronger engine, less miles, it still uses the t-45 tranny (SPARE!! ) and a vast majority of my bolt on stuff will switch over.
if the rearend will direct swap i may swap out the whole thing but i think 99+ cars axles are longer. so if i were to part out the current rear i would only sell the gear (very cheaply because it is used, and the axles. Keeping the Diff, and rearend support tro build the rearend that is in the newer car.
This is the happiest i've been sinc the accident, once i have my 98 paid off and taken possesion i will start negtotiating on buying one, I want to pay no more than 8.5K, preferably 8k.