Jack, Just fucking go away, you make no valid points. If you think it's SOOOO hard to move from one ecomnomic bracket to another point out ONE (JUST ONE!!!!) country that has more economic advancement by the lower and middle classes...
Mere survival? Bullshit, cable TV, enough food that obesity is a problem among the "poverty stricken" is not mere survival. Look at ANY other country and the people in "poverty" there live in mud shacks with nothing but a hole to shit in, with NO hope for a job, with NOTHING leeching thier ability to keep money like drugs and alcohoism, because they are soo poor they can't afford that. Perspective.
Truth, you can have ANYTHING you want in this world, it's just a question of what are ou willing to sacrifice for it.
This is America, we pride ourselves on freedom, democracy, capitalism, and although it's going out of style recently, responcability.
This is NOT the country of the free handout, althought it's changing to that direction more each day.
example of why your pussy liberal ways don't work:
last year the state government wanted to make it so in exchange for public housing the recievers of the benifit would have to work 8 hours a week public service. Liberal groups cried out, saying it was modern day slavery because it effected blacks more than anyone else. THOSE are the political fuckups that are holding the poor down, I see no problem giving somone a helping hand when in need, in the form of a job or benifits that are earned, not just handed out.