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Everything posted by OGRE

  1. Stinky Beaver seems fitting.
  2. That guy strangely resembles Eric.
  3. Who's the Masta!?!?!
  4. couple good new bands : Jet, Velvet revolver, saliva all are pretty damn good IMO.
  5. I agree with adam it's cool, and gets annoying after about 10 seconds.
  6. OGRE


    3 beers in 3 hours, what effects? he's not a hampster smile.gif if you honestly only had 3 beers in 3 hours, hell if you only had 6 beers in 3 hours, take the test and tell him your really tired and you have been up since 4am.
  7. any sport that includes judges giving points for style, difficulty, ect. is Not a sport. you guys are gay.
  8. OGRE

    Me on the dyno

    <<<------ likes the commercial better.
  9. OGRE

    Shame on the VW's

    Vtec hasn't kicked in yet
  10. even a stock auto 96 gt gets low 15's, crown vic = high 16's at best. but above 130mph the vic will have an aerodynamic advantage, but they weren't going that fast.
  11. OGRE

    Shame on the VW's

    bwahahahahahahahahhaa! that's hilarious, esspecially the fuck lying on camera. Own3d.
  12. OGRE


    dude they invented it and the Irish are as white as they come.
  13. looks like a v-6, even a turd could pull on a vic nice recoveries though.
  14. OGRE


    please reread post remember to put [sarcasm][/sarcasm] around it. I'm aware that some very bright people find it hard to understand jokes sometimes. sorry i got tired of going around in circles over the same shit, saying the same thing that has been argued a thousand times already. fuck george bush, he's a liar trying to steal money from the poor to give his rich oil buddies at haliburton and only invaded iraq because they tried to kill his daddy, there were never WMD's the shit saddam used to kill the kurds was actually powdered suger, unfortunatly they were alergic, bush planned 9/11, bush is cheney's puppet, bush stole my wallet, and my job and took it over to abu-dabby so that it would fuck our economy, while stealing old people's healthcare. you win i believe all this, now can i goin the liberal cult now? which tree do i bow too? can i get that free poster of Al gore? will clinton autograph a fat chick for me? make me liberal eli, i want to believe what you believe, I want the The United socialist states of america too. 2+2=5, these trees are pretty but where is the forrest?
  15. OGRE


    untill they strap a bomb to thier chest and off themselves in a crowd. enough serious shit, this is the kitchen. fuck off you red-haired, pastey skinned freak. graemlins/burnout02.gif
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