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400 HO

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Everything posted by 400 HO

  1. Too bad I already changed my oil last week!!
  2. This deserves a Sticky!!!!!!!!! (If I only had the authority!!)
  3. Hey Randy.. Welcome to the Board!! Looks like you got a nice AMX there. I'd like to check it out sometime. Maybe I'll see you at some shows this year. Later.... Brian
  4. This is going to be held at National Trails next weekend (the 22nd thru the 24th). Anyone out there (with the appropriate vehical) thinking about going?? I might be going down on Saturday if the weather is nice. Here's the link: NMCA Nationals
  5. Anyone else seen this?? I thought it was pretty cool!! http://t2.technion.ac.il/~snoom/hand.swf This one got my attention!! http://deathclock.com/
  6. Just some of the insanity: graemlins/nonono.gif http://tanetane92.web.infoseek.co.jp/052961.jpg
  7. I know I may be a bit old (32), but can someone please explain this?? graemlins/puke.gif Rice Fest 2005
  8. Usually during the summer, QSL is hopping on Sundays with some nice cars. I'm going to try to make it over today with the GTO. Probably around 5:00 or 6:00pm. Any other takers?? Suppose to be an AWESOME day!!!
  9. I thought this was pretty funny: http://forums.performanceyears.com/eve/ubb.x/a/ga/ul/6531043711/inlineimg/Y/Yes-He-Did.jpg
  10. graemlins/thatfunny.gif TJ.. I actually busted out loud at work on that one... I got that "what the hell" look from everyone... Classic!!!!
  11. I had my yearly review yesterday (Friday). I work for Limited Brands (ie.. Victoria's Secret)as a Supervisor in theit IT Dept. anyway... I got a GREAT review, but due to company budget cuts, I'm only getting a cost of living raise... My Boss thought I'd be pissed off, but I think what blew him away was when I said... "I am just greatful to have a job that I enjoy doing and that I get paid well to do it". He wasn't expecting that. But it's true. I have a high school education with 4 years military experience (USMC) and get I get paid well. The average IT Supervisor make anywhere between 50,000 & 75,000 a year. It would not benefit me right now if I had a degree.. maybe in a few years if I want to move up the corporate ladder.. but I'm happy where I am right now.
  12. Now I've seen it all!!!!!! 37 Bids & $1,225 for ??????? E-Bay
  13. I didn't realize I had the puncture wound until I got into the ambulance. The DAMN EMT cut off my brand new leathers and rolled me onto my side.. then he proceeds to tell me "Your whole right ass cheek is gone!!!" I'm like "but I can still feel it".. he just says.. "your in shock" Once at the hospital, they cleaned me up and identified the hole (about 2 inches across and approx. 9 inches deep!!) Yes.. a big hole.. but not even close to my whole ass being gone. The hole was less then 1 inch from my asshole. That was a close one!!!
  14. Man.. That's in Columbus??? I've got to get out more often graemlins/nonono.gif Nice Pic's!!! I'm a big VW fan!!!
  15. 400 HO

    WTB 6x9's

    I'll take those Jensen's if you still got them!! Hit me on my Cell.. 614-439-3550
  16. Hey Greg... I'm interested in one for my GTO. What time are you going to be up on Sunday. I'm at work and I get off at 08:00. I can swing by when I get off. Hit me on my Cell.. 614-439-3550. If I don't hear from you, I give you a call. I have to pick my wife up at the airport around 6:00... so maybe we can hook up around Westerville around 5:30??? Give me a call.
  17. Hey Bam (Matt) you still got those xplodes??? I'll give you 20 bucks for them.
  18. I was with 10 other guys down in Tennesee. As I'm laying on the ground.. my buddy comes up to me and said "Dude I GOT to get some pics of this." He made sure I was ok and he snaped a bunch. He has one right as the tank exploded. Pretty cool. Like I said.. I'm just glad to be alive.
  19. No.. I've got a 6yr old little boy and I want to see him grow up. I think someone was looking out for me after going through that crash. I bought the GTO with my insurance money and him and I are going to enjoy a SAFE and fun summer by going to different car shows around town. Just glad to be alive.
  20. This is what can happen to you if you're not carefull and what a little bit of gravel can do. This was my bike last spring... went down to Tenneesse and hit a patch of gravel along the edge of the road. Slid into the curb, then into the wall. Broken pelvis, wrist and a bone in my pelvis punctured thru the cheek my ass. (I was in full leathers, with gloves, boots and helmet.) BE CAREFUL OUT THERE!!!!!!! All it takes is a little gravel.... Before: http://img195.exs.cx/img195/4460/mybike15cr.jpg After: http://img211.exs.cx/img211/4381/toast6ki.jpg http://img211.exs.cx/img211/5829/4291541s5tc.jpg http://img211.exs.cx/img211/6920/4291543s0ie.jpg http://img211.exs.cx/img211/8194/4291548s2vj.jpg http://img211.exs.cx/img211/9295/4291544s1zv.jpg http://img211.exs.cx/img211/9605/4291547s5bs.jpg
  21. 400 HO


    I may be a little slow with my Spanish, but did you say "Way too much money for a beer????" ????
  22. Just remember 1 thing... I own a Blue GTO.. and I'm not ass. Just wanted to make that clear.
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