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400 HO

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Everything posted by 400 HO

  1. graemlins/popcorn.gif As Scooby would say... Rah Ro!!! I have to chime in here and say.. I've been married to a wonderfull woman for almost 10 years now.. she is not as sexually into it as I am.. but she, how can I put it "makes herself available" aleast once a week. After we get started.. she's ok..it's just that initial feeling of getting started that's hard to get through. In most relationships.. I would think that's pretty good. Her reasons are psycological (sp) from her childhood (I will not go into that) but she puts forth her best effort. I'll admit.. I wanted to dump her early in the relationship.. but when you have a kid and say I do.. I ment it. So we make the best of it. (When she was prego.. I went 1.5 years of not getting any.. but my hands were pretty hairy!!) graemlins/jerkit.gif
  2. Man it's over 80,000!!!! I bet it will double with the spread of disease. Chack out this wild animation. It shows the wave as it traveled across the Indian Ocean. Note the time it took to cross the ocean (less that 2 hrs!!) http://staff.aist.go.jp/kenji.satake/animation.gif
  3. 400 HO


  4. +1... I was 21, was a Corporal in the Marines, drove a 1992 Eagle Talon TSi AWD, 1989 Katanna 600 and was engaged to be married!!! graemlins/nonono.gif These old posts got to go!!!
  5. Not me.. I kinda like the death shit. It makes me really appreciate life. I say show me more!!!
  6. That 1st one is 3 old fuck's (men) in a 3 some!!! Why did I click!!! Oh... Why did I click!!! graemlins/nonono.gif
  7. And the incentive of them getting power restored is??????? (Yeah I know it's cold... but 75 bucks an hour 24x7 is pretty sweet too)
  8. 400 HO


    Word!!! I will be hosting a Playoff Party at my house when I find out what day we will be playing on (either Saturday or Sunday). I will keep all you "Stiller" fans in the loop!!! "WEEEEE GOT A FEEEL'N, PITTSBURGH'S GOIN TO THE SUPER BOWL!!!!"
  9. I had 3 inches of water in my basement until I bought Sears's LAST battery Backup Sump Pump. It took me 5 hrs to pump all that water out... some damage, but not too bad. It's still got some juice, so if anyone needs to borrow it, let me know.. 614-439-3550.
  10. I have alot of misc. sockets and screwdrivers. What I need are wrenches and a nice tool chest. I think I'm going to get once of those 9 drawer cabinet thing-ees. I also need a nice set of pliers... Just wanted to throw this out and see if there are certain tools that you guys "can't live without" sort of thing. I also thought about getting a compressor and maybe look into pnewmatic (sp) tools as well. Does anyone on here really use a compressor for anything besides pumping up tires????
  11. Just got a $300 Giftcard from Sears from my Mom for Xmas. Looking to buy some serious tools.. If it were you, what would you spend it on?? I know the 1st thing I'm buying is a torque wrench... what else???
  12. 400 HO

    Groupe Ski Trip

    Hey.. My Cousin lives in a 4 bedroom house at the base of Timberline Resort (Cannan Valley WV) It's got a 4200ft summit with a 1000 ft vertical. It's a pretty nice resort. The house is right next to the parking lot. So you're about 30 ft from a quad chair. He's got a real nice setup. (6 person Hot Tub, Fireplace.. ect) He always told me that I was welcome at anytime. I'm going in late January (probably the 28th - 30th weekend) From their website: 1/28-1/30 Bud Beach Party Weekend Any takers??? I'm the same way.. I hate to ski alone. I'm not sure what level I am.. but I can go down any SBD, but the DBD's are a bit tricky. I've been down a few, but the mogules own me!! Here is a page from their website: http://www.timberlineresort.com/trailmaps.asp Let me know if this appeals to anyone. It's exactly 4 hrs from Columbus.
  13. My wife said that she didn't want anything!!! (Yeah.. like I going to fall for that one!!!) She did say that she would like some new gravel for our driveway??? I've got a great wife!!!!!
  14. Yep Rick, I was there with my 6yr old son. He loves old muscle cars too so we were probably checking out some of the other cars. It was a nice show. I didn't end up getting it insured until September.. (I bought it in August) so I am really looking forward to a full year of shows. Thanks for checking out my ride. I love it!!! Looks like you got some nice rides as well!!! Were you at the show with one of your cars????? I'd love to check out that 69 Chevelle SS
  15. The one thing that bugs the shit out of me is the GTO on the front grill should be in White letters... not black. This a very common mistake... but still should be known buy people who own these cars. (I still love it though!!)
  16. Sweet!!! http://www.wevrs.org/pursuit.wmv
  17. Yeah.. but not as shinny.. I don't like to slide around on Armor All seats. One difference is mine has a bench seat, not buckets.. but yeah.. it looks about the same.
  18. Maybe I'm just partial to these, but this has got to be one of the nicest 67's I've seen. These are real hi quality pics. Ahhhh I can't wait until Spring!!! 67 GTO
  19. Yeah... I would also have to agree. Men (at first) want someone that they can relate to and feel comfortable with. It makes us feel like we have a chance..... Then we want a freak in the bedroom!!!!
  20. Try I495 Beltway around DC on a Friday / Holiday Weekend... The worst hell I've ever been in!!! Took me 2 hrs to go 5 miles.
  21. All Right!!!!! Welcome to TEAM GEEZER!!!! (I'm 31) It must be a 30 thing for us guys and our old American Muscle Cars!!! Happy Birthday Man!!!
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