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Everything posted by SilverEvo8owner

  1. On the border of d and c so... top of D :-( im up for a king of class D thing too
  2. go drive an evo the wrx tr are good too
  3. ITs water in the light of the headlights but i don't know what from
  4. WTF? Why the fuck would you say some biggot bullshit like that? The guy fucking died and im sure it's not about whether he can afford a casket or not. I assure you that they won't throw him in a hole in the ground just like that. He's got his favorite chair, watching his favorite team, and is surrounded by the things he loved the most... including his family. Where's his blunt... give me a fucking break, the man is dead. He's a veteran, pay the respects, and stop being fucking ignorant. Is it weird that instead of burying someone with their favortie shirt on rather than a tux? I distinctly remember a man who was buried in his car because it was what HE liked to do. It's different but I don't see anything wrong with it.
  5. how much water would you have to consume?
  6. he didnt push the clutch in with the chute
  7. damnit i wish i went out that night!!
  8. pics? I've always wondered how an Evo would fair to a deer. Sorry for your luck man
  9. wheel bearing? how many miles?
  10. which harness? The evo harness? If so yeah ten bucks or so
  11. It's a Blue Greddy E-manage w/ injector and timing harness and support tool cable. I can't find the support tool CD but the software can be found online or find somebody to borrow the disk from. Comes with all of the intructions and what not. Right now the harnesses are wired into a harness extension for an Evo 8 so you won't have to do single bit of wiring into your factory harness. This way it can plug right in and you can remove it in case of warranty work. If you cant use the harness extension then i can remove it for you. It'll work for just about any car i think $300 shipped... $285 for local http://forums.evolutionm.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=97311 http://forums.evolutionm.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=97312 http://forums.evolutionm.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=97313 http://forums.evolutionm.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=97314
  12. Whenever i fly i can't use the credit card things to get my boarding pass. I am always told to go see an associate and show my I.D because my name is on a security list. i guess Christopher Thompson is a too general name. :-(
  13. if only i lived in columbus i have extensive knowledge of Subarus and Evos
  14. http://forums.evolutionm.net/showthread.php?t=211657 I was planning on bringing this motor to buschur on monday or tuesday but now im wondering of even bothering Is there any machine shop in columbus that i can take it to to have it looked at?
  15. tisk tisk tisk guess ill have to show you what an evo rear end looks like Congrats man
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