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Everything posted by SilverEvo8owner

  1. sweet thanks the SN is underneath the battery
  2. I was down in Ft. lauderdale florida for my spring break and i lost my cell phone. Well today i found a highly questionable cell phone on ebay with similar markings, without a chager, stylus (mine was missing) and little info about it. This auction has stolen written all over it. Could somebody with an Ebay account ask this guy for the SN# of this phone. If this is my phone then this guy would be able to put 2 and 2 together. My account name cthompsevo8, and i have a bunch of pictures of my car on the phone. And if it is in fact my cell phone, how i could go about it? Thanks http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=010&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWA%3AIT&viewitem=&item=200089885040&rd=1&rd=1
  3. Cliffs SR-71 flying at mach 3 has an engine inlet fail, causing his plane to yaw severely and approach critical angle of attack for the plane's airframe design. Plane breaks apart and he is torn from his ejection seat and blacks out at 76,000 feet. Regains conciousness while free falling in his space suit. Falls to 15,000 feet when his chute deploys and land in a cow field. Some cowboy picks him up in a POS helocopter and flys him to the airport but escapes with minor injuries. Copilot died.
  4. Im running i tunes on vista without any problem
  5. I sure as hell not gonna buy expensive shit for the masses. Funny story about the Yukon jack though. Rumor going around that there was a little bit of piss in it but i don't know for sure. Good thing I made up my mind that i wasn't going to drink any of it before the party started. :-)
  6. I think we know how to party http://img338.imageshack.us/img338/8035/cimg2163zj6.th.jpg http://img521.imageshack.us/img521/7129/cimg2164am9.th.jpg http://img338.imageshack.us/img338/7037/cimg2165fn9.th.jpg http://img338.imageshack.us/img338/3299/cimg2166yg5.th.jpg
  7. I undertand no hard feelings This is his first GF. They go to a private christian school where it is quite strict about PDA and student relations blah blah blah. Her parents are both foreigners and have an Americanized typical rebelious teenage daughter. I know that he would never do anything obscene or inappropriate. My GF's family is very religious. Her parents just snapped i guess.
  8. This isn't going on in columbus. My GF is from lewisville tx. Trust me if it happened here i would dealt with it personally. And i guess his GF saw the whole thing happen too but she couldn't really do anything. It really isn't my business but the most important thing is that the his parents know about it and are "dealing" with it. Thanks guys, i just had to rant.
  9. barret 50 cal yummy The first guy really pissed me off
  10. Yeah i watched but nothing real spectacular. Most of the stuff is already know. There is going to be a marathon like march 3rd at noon
  11. Yeah i just talked to her brother and he said that he pushed his arm and told him to go to class after he told him that. Even more pissed now. I know he didn't hurt him but i know you can't just walk into a school and touch other people's kids. No, he isn't a dickhead. Her parents are both foreign so this guy probably was too. As far as i know they are just strict parents.
  12. I just need to rant. My GF's little brother is 16 and has a newer GF. Well today her parents decided that their daughter doesn't need to be dating so they forbid her to see or talk to him. Today her uncle decided to go to the highschool and find him at his locker. actual words at his highschool "Are you Logan?" "Yes" (uncle proceeds to get in his face) "Well I'm Sam's uncle and you need to stay away from her or I swear I will eat you alive." After that, he leaves the highschool and hops on his flight to New York. I couldn't believe what i was hearing when she told me what happened. Isn't it illegal to even step foot on a school property without permission not to mention threaten a minor? I told her that they should file a police report about it but i don't know if it would go through or not Any advice?
  13. i had mine come on also took it to the dealer to have it checked out and has never came back on
  14. yeah that was sick I don't know anywhere where there is that much space around here
  15. Startup and idle vid http://videos.streetfire.net/video/0fcbc31b-d68e-47cf-9ea5-98d700aee8b3.htm The car is never happy to wake up, but it idles fine every once in a while Acceleration vid http://videos.streetfire.net/video/902a5bcb-89c6-4d38-9180-98d700b01ea3.htm I need a tranny rebuild, new tires, and a camera stand And fun in the snow http://videos.streetfire.net/video/15560233-eab3-47b9-a677-98d700b32904.htm
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