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Everything posted by Slimpsy1647545505

  1. Right on. . . my primary uses are modern gaming with occasional photo/video editing. I have a gtx 770 that I am still happy with so I won't be upgrading til probably next year when the maxwells go down. I just really want to know if I'm going to be like WOW from upgrading or not. I miss the feeling of a new zippy machine, but at the same time. . mine still feels zippy, albeit "ancient" by technology standards.
  2. Hey guys. I'm considering building a new pc. I haven't built one since 2010, but rather kept upgrading my i7 950 platform I built then. I have been building pc's since 1998 and have always kept up with the processor technology but in recent years it just seems so overwhelming and varied (i3, i5, i7 and a plethora of AMD offerings) I would like some opinions from you fine people! Before the i7's it seemed like you upgraded every year or two and got a significant performance boost. Going from the socket 478 P4 with hyper threading to the core duo to the q6600 quad to the i7 were all very rational upgrades within a 1-2 year time span. Anyway, the first generation i7 is getting a little long in the tooth, and the x58 platform in general. That's not to say it hasn't been a capable and still is capable machine, but I would like a faster sata bus (running raid ssd's on sata 2 still, lol) more USB 3.0 ports, etc . My ultimate question is. . . should I wait for haswell-e and ddr4 to hit the market and find a 47XX or amd equivalent on sale as this will presumably drive prices down or is now a good time to find a solid bundle and build? What would you recommend getting in terms of cpu/mobo combos? I rambled quite a bit. . . but having a little impulse geeky moment and wanted to get CR's opinion! Thanks guys!
  3. Ya I don't know. . . the man seemed very rehearsed and lacked much emotion or fear for someone getting ready to get their head cut off. Perhaps he was brain washed over the last year and whatever it's been since being held captive, but who knows. Either way ISIS is a direct and powerful threat to the US (piggybacking on muslim faith), one which I hope we deal with timely and aggressively.
  4. Sorry for your loss, in my thoughts and prayers buddy <3
  5. Discovered the problem. .. metal link under burner assembly popped. Thanks for the heads up Dan. . . Chris got me taking it apart again!
  6. Hey ya'll. Woke up today with no hot water. . . dirty! Messed with the hot water tank a little (10 year old Rheem 40 gallon unit) and the pilot lights then when switching the control to warm/hot the flames die after a couple seconds. I replaced the thermocouple and that didn't help. I'm being told it's probably the control valve? Should I try to tackle this valve replacement in hopes that's what it is..or would it be better to replace the unit since it's 10 years old? Any heating/cooling guys on here that do side work? Any advice/help/suggestions appreciated! Need to get this fixed asap! Thanks
  7. Really making me want to buy a smoker Tim!!!
  8. Paleo primarily, and elliptical/free weights/running Saggy skin? Not that much, no. I'm 6'4" and didn't necessarily have a huge amount of concentrated fat in a particular area. I was lucky in that respect. And off to go hiking! Have a great day CR!
  9. LoL. I needed that before sleep. Thanks again everyone!
  10. That is a glorious car. . . what some people dream of finding Should not have any problems moving that!
  11. Thanks guys! LoL @ Paul. No secret. . . didn't eat garbage and moved my body every single day til I sweat all the fat away
  12. Thanks brother! I've succeeded for the last couple of months. . . no turning back!
  13. Just thought I'd update y'all with my weight loss journey. Maybe help inspire some people along the way to just keep going and NEVER give up on yourself! With consistent exercise and proper eating I have managed to do what I always thought impossible. I went from super morbid obesity to normal in just a year and a half! I went from staying inside playing video games with my kids to going hiking and biking with them and retiring my video game consoles! For anyone out there trying. . . the fight is worth it. . . never ever give up! http://i.imgur.com/FbPbkRY.jpg
  14. Ended up repairing it myself (minus paint). Bought headlight for 40, black matching door from junkyard for 90, and fender online for 65 shipped. I will probably duplicolor the fender and call it a day. Thanks for the opinions in all this. . . really wasn't worth doing much more than this, but I had fun with it. http://i.imgur.com/tzGV1hr.jpg
  15. +1 on being incredible. . . I waited for the PC version and have been playing it on and off since yesterday - for the masochist gamer in all of us!
  16. Thanks for the input everyone. . gonna just junk yard the fender/headlight and play it by ear on the rest. I know these cars are not worth much market value but the way it runs and the way I maintain it I'm sure I can beat another 100K out of it, which for me is worth a lot to not put high miles on my other vehicles
  17. My econobox had a fight with a guard rail and it rocked it pretty good. I was pricing pieces out but not sure what all would be involved in fixing this myself. It definitely needs a new headlight, fender, bumper, and door. . . and even then there's a pretty big gouge on the rear quarter that would need filling and such. Would I be best to sell this thing as is or try to repair it myself or perhaps a body shop? It's a 03 accent with 148K on it, not a single problem mechanically or any rust. I hate that the book value of this car puts me in a tough situation to dump money into fixing it but it is what it is. thoughts/advice/recommendations???? http://i.imgur.com/8xcrPWy.jpg http://i.imgur.com/esyoX5M.jpg
  18. Family fun center on stringtown road
  19. Slimpsy1647545505


    Well that doesn't make any sense. . I joined an entire year before Trish and am like +1,000 over her user # and a few months before Brian. . . I am in the 2,000's. RIGGED!
  20. Great prices. . . the x58 boards are ridiculously overpriced eh?? GLWS!
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