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Everything posted by Slimpsy1647545505

  1. Takes being on the half yard line to up our defense...PFFFFFT
  2. Excited about the Urban photochopping/memes that will take place as a result of this call.
  3. I'm seeing a weaker team than the MSU game here in all honesty. Let's not lie to ourselves.
  4. Denied so hard. This is making me sick. Hold me.
  5. Snow fest out there now so lets play it by ear. Not sure exact weight. Always lifted with 2-3 other people. Pretty heavy but we may be able to make it work with only 2 people. Let me know. Thanks.
  6. Anyone in the Grove City area need a weightlifting partner? I haven't lifted in a decade on any serious level but wanted to get back into it. I've lost a shit ton of weight this year and moving into 2014 I want to get into heavy weightlifting! Was thinking of getting a membership at the Y in Circleville or Grove City and working 4-5 times a week at it. Let me know if any of you would like to join me! Current Stats- Height 6'4" Weight: 260
  7. Ended up selling the whole lot for 350 bucks. Granted the polluted deltas were worth about 100 or so each and flooded strand 50 and burning wish foil 50ish. . . most of the rares were nothing special, but enough 10-15 dollar ones to make him happy. I gave a player a good deal I think.
  8. Not a set with many popular cards unfortunately. Maybe 50 bucks for a hardcore collector.
  9. I wish man. . . them beta black lotuses go for like 10K. WILD TIMES I got rid of all the alpha/beta stuff years ago for far far less than they are worth today. Crazy to see them still hold value though, very cool.
  10. Might be wrong place to ask but I have a box of rares from the onslaught/judgement era and some mixed editions as well. Does anyone on here play or know where I could sell them?? A few cards that come to mind are unplayed Polluted Deltas, flooded strand and foil burning wishes.
  11. Ryan is supposed to pick it all up tonight after work. . . if that falls through I will let ya know!
  12. Sale pending for everything. Will update if that falls through. Also the core system is 399, this particular bundle is 459.99 (DS4 Bundle with 2 controllers) + 3 release titles at 59.99 = 639 + 7% Sales Tax = 684 So I am basically saving you the hassle of trying to find one at retail. People will be like vultures until after Christmas on these inflating the prices like crazy bastards
  13. Not sure yet. Will wait a couple days and see. If someone wanted to leave games unopened...Target will swap for a different title.
  14. I was asked via pm if I had a pre-order receipt. This is an online pre-order through Amazon and I will provide a printout of order as well as include original shipment boxes/packing slips for all.
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