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Everything posted by Slimpsy1647545505

  1. 2013 Ramcharger style Agreed. . . that stance is way too high. Tint/lower will work wonders for that pimp wagon.
  2. Man...tried to pick up a few things at walmart this morning and you'd think end times was near. A lot of bare shelves, lol. Good times.
  3. http://25.media.tumblr.com/9edab187dbaac5bd58582182372bd5fa/tumblr_mk9xd0EzvO1s0g4muo1_250.gif
  4. That's crazy...it's possible to lose 48 pounds in a week without eating? Note to self.....don't eat anything for a week. :fuckyeah:
  5. Uhhhh http://images.wikia.com/glee/images/e/e7/N504d8751ac694_creepy.gif
  6. Nope, just says "check every couple weeks for future titles". I guess the first 2 titles were Assassin's Creed 2 and Halo 3. That would have been a nice score. Definitely something to keep up on!
  7. http://www.reactiongifs.com/wp-content/gallery/yes/edward_scissorhands_yes.gif
  8. http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lu5iw0EVOL1qgur8o.gif
  9. All this cow talk is making me hungry Has Columbus declared a state of emergency yet?
  10. The calm before the storm man....it's gonna get you!
  11. Not sure if anyone knew this but apparently Xbox Gold members are now randomly rewarded with a free game every couple of weeks. The current free game is Fable 3. . . for a limited time. I picked it up. I guess it's a new ongoing incentive to be a Gold member (to compete with the perks of Playstation+ I assume, which also offers free games for members) but thought I'd share for those who didn't know who may wanna dust off their system to get some free games! Just go to Games--Browse--Featured...then Free with Gold. GET SOME!
  12. Opened one up with Huntington recently and got 100 bucks deposited after using my debit card a few times.
  13. If it's bouncing around different collection agencies (they often sell debts to one another)...really the only solution is to pay it, or dispute it through the credit bureaus if it's on your report already.
  14. lol.....i get this vision in my head of this little sweet lady carrying that onto a plane and laugh..good times
  15. LoL. She's purdy. Sorry it had to be done (albeit terribly, lol) http://i.imgur.com/FEPchKU.jpg
  16. Looks sweet! The new Ohio plate really works with it as well
  17. Thanks man. Ya that was dealer photos before I drove it away. It's an 09 vulcan custom special edition. I haven't seen many of them around here with this particular look. Pretty excited about it.
  18. Anyone wanna go riding sometime? http://img.solidautonet.com/5791/10667914/2.jpg http://img.solidautonet.com/5791/10667914/7.jpg
  19. Well I gave into the summer bike bug this year finally. Got myself a solid deal on a 2009 Vulcan 900 Custom SE. Has some aftermarkets on it and only 5K miles, so I took it for a ride...and fell in love. Amazing handling due to smaller front wheel and lower stance...and just a beefy beautiful look and sound with the sideburner pipes. STOKED!!! http://img.whiteknightautomotive.com/5791/10667914/1.jpg http://img.whiteknightautomotive.com/5791/10667914/3.jpg
  20. Just called ASK and they said I could buy it and drive off lot as long as I had temps. So that answers my question. Suzuki has 0% for 5 years right now on new bikes. Really not sure I wanna go that route, but good to know!
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